Melas (son of Likymnios)

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Melas ( Greek  Μέλας ) is in Greek mythology a son of Likymnios and Perimede , the sister of Amphitryon . His brothers are Oionos , the first winner during the Olympic Games hosted by Heracles , and Argeios .

Melas took part with his brother Argeios in Heracles' procession against Eurytus , the king of Oichalia on Euboia . The very confused prehistory, handed down in many variations, condensed into the following version over the centuries: Eurytus, an excellent archer and in possession of a bow received from Apollo , had withheld his daughter Iole from the hero , although the latter defeated him in archery for his daughter would have. In addition, he had accused the Heracles of cattle rustling, and when the Eurythos son Iphitus tried to raise the lost cattle again, the hero entangled further into his fate as he, his divine madness Iphitus from the ramparts of the proud Tiryns fell. As atonement, he is sold into slavery by Hermes , but has now returned with Melas and Ageiros and other companions to take revenge and get Iole. In these fights, in which Eurythus and his sons were killed, Melas and his brother were also killed and were solemnly buried by Heracles.


Individual evidence

  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 4, 6.
  2. ^ Pindar , Olympic Odes 10, 65.
  3. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 7, 7.