Melville S. Green

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Melville Saul Green , mostly quoted MS Green, (* 1922 ; † March 27, 1979 ) was an American physicist who dealt with statistical mechanics .

Green studied at Columbia University and Princeton University , among others with Eugene Wigner and Elliott W. Montroll . He then spent most of his career as a physicist at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) and later a professor at Temple University .

He dealt with irreversible processes in statistical mechanics ( Boltzmann equation , Fokker-Planck equation ). The Green-Kubo relations and the Green-Kubo expansion for transport coefficients are named after him and Ryogo Kubo . In the 1960s he turned to critical phenomena ( phase transitions ) and the renormalization group . With Cyril Domb , he edited an important series of publications in this area (Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Academic Press). In addition, he dealt with generalizations of the Ornstein-Zernike equation for the correlation function of molecules in liquids for the theory of phase transitions and dealt intensively with the equations of state of liquids, partly with Anneke Sengers.

Gunton describes him in his obituary as a warm-hearted, deeply religious personality (he was Jewish), but who could also vehemently advocate for important goals (such as the support of Jewish scientists in the Soviet Union or high scientific standards at the university), and he was extremely scattered.


  • MS Green, Markoff Random Processes and the Statistical Mechanics of Time-Dependent Phenomena. II. Irreversible Processes in Fluids, J. Chem. Phys 22 (1954), pp. 398-413 (Green-Kubo relations)
  • MS Green, Generalized Ornstein-Zernike approach to critical phenomena, J. Math. Phys., Volume 9, 1968, pp. 875-890
