Mercer 3

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Globular cluster
Mercer 3
2MASS infrared image, Mercer 3 can be seen on the bottom center.
2MASS infrared image, Mercer 3 can be seen on the bottom center.
Constellation sign
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 18 h 18 m 30 s
declination −16 ° 58 ′ 36 ″
Brightness  (visual) 24 likes
Angular expansion 39 ″
Physical data
distance 13000 - 26000  ly
(4000 - 8000  pc ) 
Dimensions 2-3 × 10 5 M
diameter 4–10 years
Age 12 gyr years
Catalog names

Mercer 3 is a globular cluster that is located in the constellation Shield in the disk of the Milky Way and is heavily obscured by it. It was found in the 2MASS and GLIMPSE infrared survey data in 2004 , and identified as a globular cluster in 2008. Because of the extinction, the obscuration by the matter of the Milky Way in the foreground, it has a brightness of only 24 mag in the visible and therefore remained undetected for a long time. Mercer 3 is believed to be 4-8  kpc away and has a 0.7 to 1.5 pc radius at which the brightness decreases by half.

Mercer 3 is an old globular cluster, 12 billion years old; the mass is 200,000-300,000 solar masses .


  1. a b c d e f Jay Strader, Henry A. Kobulnicky: A Probable New Globular Cluster in the Galactic Disk , 2008, arxiv : 0808.1719
  2. E. Mercer, D. Clemens, GLIMPSE Team: A Systematic and Automated Technique for Detection of Star Clusters Applied to New GLIMPSE Data , bibcode : 2004AAS ... 20513707M