Meretseger (Queen)

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Meretseger with Sesostris III. on a stele of the New Kingdom. British Museum , EA846
Meretseger (Queen) in hieroglyphics
12th dynasty
Hiero Ca1.svg
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Hiero Ca2.svg
(Meret seger)
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Meretseger (also Meresger) is a probably fictional ancient Egyptian queen and wife of Sesostris III. who ruled in the 12th Dynasty .

Meretseger was entitled " Great Royal Wife " and her name was written in a cartouche . Both are only documented for queens in the following 13th dynasty . Meretseger, on the other hand, appears only in sources of the New Kingdom together with Sesostris III. and is not recorded on contemporary monuments. Sesostris III. was especially worshiped as a god in Nubia in the New Kingdom, so that it was assumed that a divine wife was provided to him.

Meretseger is also the name of the local goddess of the Theban necropolis .


  • C. van Siclen: Egyptian Antiquities in South Texas. Part 2. A Cabbage Jar of Queen Meresger. In: Varia Aegyptiaca. No. 8, 1992, pp. 29-32.