Merindad Mayor de Castilla

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Castile coat of arms

The Merindad Mayor de Castilla was an administrative unit that was created in the 12th century by Alfonso VIII in the Kingdom of Castile and lasted until the 18th century.


The Kingdom of Castile around 1400

The capital of the Merindad was Burgos , where the royal bailiff (merino) resided. The area of ​​the administrative unit was over 30,000 square kilometers. It was bounded by the Río Cea and the border with the Kingdom of Navarre , between the Duero in the south and the Atlantic coast in the north, it included today's region of Cantabria and today's province of Palencia and parts of today's province of Burgos and the province of Valladolid . Small parts of the neighboring territories were also included, which today belong to the provinces of León , Soria , Álava , La Rioja and Asturias .

In the middle of the 14th century, the Merindad Mayor de Castilla consisted of the following subunits, the Merindades menores :

Merindad Capital places Desolation Area (km²) Province (2008)
Merindad de Cerrato Palenzuela 56 56 2,198.86 Palencia province , province of Burgos , Valladolid Province
Merindad del Infantazgo de Valladolid Urueña 63 35 2,606.89 Valladolid Province
Merindad de Monzón Monzón de Campos 75 22nd 1,327.92 Province of Palencia , Province of Burgos
Campos Palencia 50 21st 1,851.05 Province of Palencia , Province of Valladolid
Merindad de Carrión Carrión de los Condes 78 41 1,474.15 Province of Palencia , Province of León , Province of Valladolid
Merindad de Villadiego Villadiego 86 21st 1,087.76 Province of Palencia , Province of Burgos
Merindad de Aguilar de Campoo Aguilar de Campoo 133 22nd 1,378.50 Palencia province , province of Burgos , Cantabria
Merindad de Liébana-Pernia Cervera de Pisuerga 116 15th 1,295.63 Province of Palencia , Province of León , Cantabria
Merindad de Saldaña Saldaña 153 42 2,106.13 Province of Palencia , Province of León
Merindad de Asturias de Santillana Santillana del Mar 195 12 2,279.33 Asturias , Cantabria
Merindad de Castrojeriz Castrojeriz 91 30th 1,716.10 Province of Palencia , Province of Burgos
Merindad de Cademuñó Santa María del Campo 86 21st 1,121.25 Burgos Province
Merindad de Burgos-Ubierna Burgos 99 22nd 1,367.50 Burgos Province
Merindad de Castilla Vieja Medina de Pomar 447 87 4,359.34 Cantabria , La Rioja , Álava , Burgos Province
Merindad de Santo Domingo de Silos Santo Domingo de Silos 122 26th 4,197.40 La Rioja , Soria , Burgos Province
Mayor de Castilla Burgos 1.914 488 30,727.81


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