Mesquita (entrepreneurial family)

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The Mesquita entrepreneurial family comes from São Paulo in Brazil and is one of the richest families and one of the most important clans in the country. The extended family has been active in the newspaper and media sector in Brazil for over 100 years. The clan owns one of the country's top-selling newspapers, O Estado de S. Paulo , and was also actively involved in Brazilian political life during the 20th century . The name Mesquita is closely associated with the history of the Brazilian press, since the late 19th century , especially with Júlio César de Mesquita , who in 1902 published the newspaper O Estado de S. Pauloacquired. The founders and descendants in Brazil are still described as conservative today , going to the limit of prejudice. They are also assigned an unequivocal dignity , whether it is a matter for their own journalists or for journalism in general.

History of the Mesquita family

Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita

Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita was born on August 18, 1862 in Campinas . He was first sent to a school in Portugal , the country of his parents, and then went to high school in Campinas, graduating in 1883 from the law faculty of the University of São Paulo . While still a student, he began working in 1881 as an editor of the newspaper A República , at that time the organ of the Republican Club Academic , alongside well-known personalities such as Pedro Lessa, Pinheiro Machado, Augusto de Lima and others. In 1884, Júlio de Mesquita began practicing as a lawyer in Campinas, but soon returned to journalism. He began to work for the newspaper Gazeta de Campinas , later for the Provincia de São Paulo and in 1888 was initially its director. After the name was changed in 1890, Júlio de Mesquita became the sole owner of the O Estado de S. Paulo in 1902 and thus founded a family empire that is still extensive today.

After the proclamation of the republic in Brazil , the name of the Provincia de São Paulo changed to O Estado de S. Paulo , which, due to the oppositional attitude of Júlio de Mesquita, is translated into German as 'The status or condition of S. Paulo' even though it actually meant 'the state or the state structure of S. Paulo'. In the same year Mesquita became secretary of the Provisional Government of São Paulo, chaired by Prudente de Morais . He also held other political offices, such as Mayor of Campinas, Congressman and Senator of the State of Brazil. However, his main interest was the newspaper industry . At that time, with the O Estado de S. Paulo , there was a real social - democratic opposition . Júlio de Mesquita headed the newspaper until his death on March 15, 1927 in São Paulo. He also initially helped found the magazine Revista do Brasil from 1916 to 1925. Júlio de Mesquita was married to Lucila de Cerqueira César and had twelve children with her: Ester, Rachel, Rute, Maria, Júlio, Francisco, Sara, Judite, Lia, José, Suzana e Alfredo Mesquita.

Júlio de Mesquita Filho

His successor was Júlio de Mesquita Filho , born in São Paulo on February 14th, 1892. He studied first in Brazil, later in Portugal, France and Switzerland . At a very young age he began to turn to journalism. In São Paulo he founded the Jornal da Tarde , also called O Estadinho , (a diminutive of the word Estado), a newspaper that was distributed from 1915. Two years later he began studying law and was one of the founders of the League of Nationalists, which was influenced by Olavo Bilac .

Júlio de Mesquita Filho opposed the policies of the then President Getúlio Vargas and was therefore exiled between 1933 and 1939. His newspaper was expropriated during the Estado Novo and only returned to the Mesquita family in 1945. He helped found the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and was a member (seat 28) of the Academia Paulista de Letras and the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de São Paulo (Institute for History and Geography of São Paulo).

As an essayist and critic of the political order in Brazil, he wrote works such as A crise nacional , Reflexões em torno de uma data (1924), Ensaios sul-americanos (1946), A Europa que eu vi (1953) and Memórias de um revolucionário ( 1954). He died on July 12, 1969 in São Paulo and left the management of the publishing house to his son.

Júlio de Mesquita Neto

Júlio de Mesquita Neto was born on December 11, 1922 in São Paulo. Like his grandfather and father, he studied law and philosophy at the University of São Paulo (USP) and, like his ancestors, began a career in journalism under the guidance of his father. From 1970 to 1971 he was chairman of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Freedom Commission . He founded and was the first President of the Latin American Agency for Information, Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI). As director of the O Estado de S. Paulo , Júlio de Mesquita Neto became famous for being an uncompromising fighter against the censorship imposed by the military government at the time . He died on June 5, 1996. His son Júlio Ferreira César de Mesquita , born in 1951, then became the editor-in-chief of the O Estado de S. Paulo .

The other two sons of Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita Filho also devoted themselves to journalism. Ruy de Mesquita , born in São Paulo on April 16, 1925, studied law and philosophy and has headed the international section of the O Estado de S. Paulo since 1953 . In January 1966 he took over the management of Jornal da Tarde and in August 1970 he became head of the sports department. He died on May 21, 2013. Luís Carlos Mesquita headed various areas within the now extensive family business and died very early in August 1970 at the age of 40.

Individual evidence

  1. Luis Nassif Online, Minha experiência com a família Mesquita , March 12, 2012 (pt)
  2. Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita, accessed August 21, 2012
  3. Família Mesquita, accessed August 20, 2012 (pt)
  4. Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita Filho, accessed August 21, 2012
  5. ^ Official website of the UNESP with the name of Júlio de Mesquita Filho , accessed on August 21, 2012 (pt)
  6. (link not available)
  7. Academia Paulista de Letras ( Memento from August 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on August 21, 2012 (pt)
  8. Júlio de Mesquita Neto, accessed on August 21, 2012
  9. IAPA website , accessed on August 21, 2012 (en / pt / es)
  10. Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita, accessed on August 21, 2012
  11. Ruy de Mesquita, accessed on June 22, 2013
  12. ^ Morre o jornalista Ruy Mesquita, diretor de 'O Estado de S. Paulo' , G1 of May 22, 2013 (pt)
  13. Luís Carlos Mesquita, accessed on August 21, 2012
