Prudente de Morais

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Prudente José de Morais e Barros

Prudente José de Morais e Barros (born October 4, 1841 in Itu , São Paulo , † December 3, 1902 in Piracicaba , São Paulo) was a Brazilian politician . From 1889 to 1890 he was the first elected governor of the state of São Paulo and from November 15, 1894 to November 15, 1898, the third president of Brazil. He was the first civilian to become head of state in Brazil.


He was elected by direct and general election. During his term of office, the Canudos War fell in 1896 and 1897, during which the town of Canudos , located in Sertão in the state of Bahia , was destroyed and the residents were massacred. The war reflects the rival policies at the beginning of the Brazilian Republic.


The cities of Presidente Prudente in the state of São Paulo and Prudente de Morais in Minas Gerais were named after him.


  • José E. de Paula Assis: Prudente de Morais. Sua vida e sua obra . Sangirard, São Paulo 1976.
  • Gastão Pereira da Silva: Prudente de Moraes. O pacificador . Editorial Valverde, Rio de Janeiro 1937.

Web links

Commons : Prudente de Moraes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Floriano Peixoto President of Brazil
Campos Sales