Mestor (son of Pterelaus)

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Mestor ( Greek  Μήστωρ ) is one of the sons of Pterelaos in Greek mythology , so was of divine descent from Poseidon , the grandfather of Pterelaos. As siblings he had the brothers Chromios , Tyrannos , Antiochus , Chersidamas and yours as well as the sister Komaitho .

Mestor and his brothers tried during the reign of Elektryon in Mycenae to dispute the rule and to claim Mestor as descendants of the son of Perseus . All the brothers except yours were killed in the ensuing clashes.

According to a scholion in Homer's Iliad , Pterelaus was married to Hippothoe , who would have been Mestor's mother.


Individual evidence

  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 4, 5.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 4, 7.
  3. Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 4, 6.
  4. Scholion to Homer, Iliad 19:116.