Metal-colored basswood

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Metal-colored basswood
Metal-colored basswood stenostole dubia

colored basswood stenostole dubia

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Longhorn beetle (Cerambycidae)
Subfamily : Weber bucks (Lamiinae)
Genre : Stenostole
Type : Metal-colored basswood
Scientific name
Stenostole dubia
( Laicharting , 1784)

The metal rose Linde Bock ( Steno stole dubia ) is a beetle from the family of the longhorn beetle and the subfamily Lamiinae . It is mainly found on linden trees and the wing covers have a more intense metallic sheen than the very similar species Stenostola ferrea .

Stenostola dubia head.jpg
Fig. 1: Head Fig. 2: Wing cover, tip
Stenostola dubia detail1.jpg
Stenostola dubia claw.jpg
Fig. 4: Claw hind leg Fig. 5: Wing cover, base
Stenostola dubia detail2.jpg
Stenostola dubia side.jpg
Fig. 3: Side view of the head and chest

Characteristics of the beetle

The body is black, the dark wing covers have a metallic green-blue shine. The beetle reaches a length of ten to thirteen millimeters.

The head is tilted downwards. The mouthparts point downwards, the last link of the jaw probe is pointed. The eleven-link, thin antennae have long eyelash hairs (Fig. 3). The antennae are colored the same over their entire length, so the antennae do not appear ringed. The compound eyes are kidney-shaped and nestle against the antenna base from behind (Fig. 1).

The side of the pronotum is not completely hairy, only indistinctly white on the edge (Fig. 3).

The long wing-coverts have roughly parallel sides, but are slightly bulbous before the end. The ends are individually rounded (Fig. 2). The elytra are roughly punctured (Fig. 5), coarser than in the similar species Stenostola ferrea . In addition, the hairiness of the elytra is less dense and longer than in Stenostola ferrea .

The tarsi The five-part tarsi appear to be four-part (pseudotetramer), as the fourth part is very small and hidden between the lobes of the third part. The claws have a clear tooth at the base (Fig. 4).


The larva develops mainly in linden and hazelnut , also willow , poplar , hornbeam and elm are mentioned. For development, dying branches or dead branches with residual moisture, such as branches lying on the ground, are required. The affected branches are two to five centimeters in diameter. The adult beetle can mainly be found on the breeding trees from May and July.


The metal-colored basswood is widespread in Europe, more common to common in the south and rare in the north. The distribution area extends from Spain to the Ukraine and from Italy to Norway and Sweden . The species is absent in Greece , Romania and Great Britain .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Stenostola dubia in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved December 18, 2010


  • H. Joy, KW Harde, GA Lohse: The Beetles of Central Europe. Volume 9, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 1966, ISBN 3-827-40683-8 .
  • Adolf Horion : Faunistics of the Central European beetles. Vol. XII, Überlingen-Bodensee 1974.

Web links

Commons : Metal-colored basswood  - album with pictures, videos and audio files