Metin Fakıoğlu

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Metin Fakıoğlu (* 20th January 1961 in İskenderun , Turkey ) is a Turkish-German radio - journalist and poet , who since his childhood in Germany lives.


From the 1980s, Fakıoğlu published his own poems , initially in literary magazines. With Fremdgenuss (1987) an independent volume of poetry was created; In 1999 the bilingual (German - Turkish) publication Göz Göre Göre - Seeing Eye with Fakıoğlu's travel poems was published. The translations of the latter into Turkish were done by the renowned literary translator Zeyyat Selimoğlu , who, among other things, has also translated numerous works by Heinrich Böll for the Turkish-speaking area.

The editor Fakıoğlu was initially employed as a cultural journalist in the field of print media. a. wrote for Die Zeit before joining Hessischer Rundfunk (hr). His television report The eleven days of Peter Stefan M. (together with Christoph Maria Fröhder ), broadcast on ARD in 1992 , was controversial at the time: the film about the possible consequences of a radiation accident at Siemens received ratings in major newspapers ranging from "worth seeing" to to the accusation of "calculating with the horror" and "corpse-busting for the lowest motives" were sufficient.

Since 1999, Fakıoğlu, who primarily works for the radio, has also been working as a trainer for the broadcast software for radio broadcasting. From 2000 onwards, together with his colleague Petra Diebold, he managed the so-called foreigner and foreign language programs of the hr and also worked as a moderator for them. In addition to regular programs, he moderated special broadcasts, for example the awarding of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade to Orhan Pamuk in 2005, which was broadcast nationwide by Deutschlandfunk .

Fakıoğlu caused a sensation when in 1999, at that time already as editor at hr, after an earthquake in western Turkey, he proposed to redirect “the solidarity surcharge that citizens of Turkish origin pay in this country (...) for several years to western Turkey”. To this day, the journalist advocates a journalistic way of working that is not a matter of course within the German media landscape and is characterized by intercultural competence , including as a speaker and expert in roundtables.

Publications (selection)

German speaking

  • L'80 / 32 - Literature and Power . Cologne: Publishing company Cologne 1984. (2 poems)
  • Foreign pleasure. Poems . Berlin (West): Hitit-Verlag, 1987. ISBN 3-924423-02-4 (volume of poetry)

Bilingual (German / Turkish)

  • Göz Göre Göre - Seeing Eye, Turkey in Travel Poems. Simge-Verlag, 1999, translated into Turkish by Zeyyat Selimoglu

See also

Web links

Single receipts

  1. Metin Fakioglu: Metin Fakioglu alias Paul Meyer: The invisible Turk. In: October 16, 1987, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  2. THURSDAY . In: Der Spiegel . No. 8 , 1992 ( online ).
  3. Frankfurter Rundschau on February 27, 1992
  4. ^ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on February 29, 1992