Peace Prize of the German Book Trade

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Amartya Sen , the 2020 winner
Award of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade to Gunnar and Alva Myrdal (1970)
Claudio Magris, 2009

The Peace Prize of the German Book Trade is an international peace prize . The award is given annually on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair in the Paulskirche ( Frankfurt am Main ) to a personality "who has made an outstanding contribution to the realization of the idea of ​​peace, primarily through her work in the fields of literature, science and art."

The Peace Prize is awarded by the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and is endowed with prize money of 25,000 euros. The award at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the largest book fair in the world, is associated with international publicity.

The Peace Prize goes back to the initiative of a few writers and publishers in 1949 and was first awarded in 1950 as the "Peace Prize of German Publishers" in Hamburg. In 1951 he was awarded a price for the entire book trade by the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels. It was awarded posthumously for the first time in 1972. The winners are determined by the Board of Trustees. Suggestions can come from anyone and must be adequately justified and substantiated.

Board of Trustees

Karl Schlögel (2009)

Members of the Board of Trustees (as of March 16, 2020):

Award winners

Award certificate (2009)

Go straight to decade : 1950 - 1960 - 1970 - 1980 - 1990 - 2000 - 2010 - 2020

So far, the prize has been awarded 72 times, including 12 times to a woman (as of 2021).

year Award winners Laudator
1950 Max Tau Adolf Grimme
1951 Albert Schweitzer Theodor Heuss
1952 Romano Guardini Ernst Reuter
1953 Martin Buber Albrecht Goes
1954 Carl Jacob Burckhardt Theodor Heuss
1955 Hermann Hesse Richard Benz
1956 Reinhold Schneider Werner Bergengruen
1957 Thornton Wilder Carl Jacob Burckhardt
1958 Karl Jaspers Hannah Arendt
1959 Theodor Heuss Benno Reifenberg
1960 Victor Gollancz Heinrich Luebke
1961 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Ernst Benz
1962 Paul Tillich Otto Dibelius
1963 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Georg Picht
1964 Gabriel Marcel Carlo Schmid
1965 Nelly Sachs Werner Weber
1966 Augustin Bea and Willem Adolf Visser 't Hooft (together) Paul Mikat
1967 Ernst Bloch Werner Maihofer
1968 Léopold Sédar Senghor François Bondy
1969 Alexander Mitscherlich Heinz Kohut
1970 Alva Myrdal and Gunnar Myrdal (together) Karl Kaiser
1971 Marion Countess Dönhoff Alfred Grosser
1972 Janusz Korczak (posthumous) Hartmut von Hentig
1973 Club of Rome Nello Celio
1974 Brother Roger no laudatory speech
1975 Alfred Grosser Paul Frank
1976 Max Frisch Hartmut von Hentig
1977 Leszek Kolakowski Gesine swan
1978 Astrid Lindgren Hans-Christian Kirsch and Gerold Ummo Becker
1979 Yehudi Menuhin Pierre Bertaux
1980 Ernesto Cardenal Johann Baptist Metz
1981 Lev Kopelev Marion Countess Dönhoff
1982 George F. Kennan Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
1983 Manès Sperber (sick, read out by Alfred Grosser ) Siegfried Lenz
1984 Octavio Paz Richard von Weizsäcker
1985 Teddy Kollek Manfred Rommel
1986 Wladyslaw Bartoszewski Hans Maier
1987 Hans Jonas Robert Spaemann
1988 Siegfried Lenz Yohanan Meroz
1989 Václav Havel André Glucksmann
1990 Karl Dedecius Heinrich Olschowsky
1991 György Konrád Jorge Semprún
1992 Amos Oz Siegfried Lenz
1993 Friedrich Schorlemmer Richard von Weizsäcker
1994 Jorge Semprún Wolf Lepenies
1995 Annemarie Schimmel Roman Duke
1996 Mario Vargas Llosa Jorge Semprún
1997 Yasar Kemal Günter Grass
1998 Martin Walser Frank Schirrmacher
1999 Fritz Stern Bronislaw Geremek
2000 Assia Djebar Barbara Frischmuth
2001 Jürgen Habermas Jan Philipp Reemtsma
2002 Chinua Achebe Theodor Berchem
2003 Susan Sunday Ivan Nagel
2004 Péter Esterházy Michael Naumann
2005 Orhan Pamuk Joachim Sartorius
2006 Wolf Lepenies Andrei Pleșu
2007 Saul Friedländer Wolfgang Frühwald
2008 Anselm Kiefer Werner Spies
2009 Claudio Magris Karl Schlögel
2010 David Grossman Joachim Gauck
2011 Boualem Sansal Peter of Matt
2012 Liao Yiwu Felicitas von Lovenberg
2013 Svetlana Alexievich Karl Schlögel
2014 Jaron Lanier Martin Schulz
2015 Navid Kermani Norbert Miller
2016 Carolin Emcke Seyla Benhabib
2017 Margaret Atwood Eva Menasse
2018 Aleida Assmann and Jan Assmann Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
2019 Sebastião Salgado Wim Wenders
2020 Amartya Sen Burghart Klaussner
2021 Tsitsi Dangarembga


  • The Exchange Association of the German Book Trade 1825–2000. A historical outline . Edited on behalf of the Historical Commission by Stephan Füssel , Georg Jäger and Hermann Staub in conjunction with Monika Estermann. Booksellers Association, Frankfurt am Main 2000.

Web links

Commons : Peace Prize of the German Book Trade  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foundation for the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade - The Statute. Board of Directors of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, November 6, 2007, accessed on June 20, 2013 .
  2. The Board of Trustees. Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e. V., accessed on March 16, 2020 .
  3. "With Jaron Lanier, the German book trade is ironically honoring a computer developer who has tried all his life to free computers and digital media from the dominance of written language" ( ).
  4. Islamic scholar and journalist: Navid Kermani receives Peace Prize from the German Book Trade. In: Spiegel Online , June 18, 2015;, accessed on June 18, 2015.
  5. ^ Peace Prize of the German Book Trade to Margaret Atwood , accessed on June 14, 2017.
  6. ^ Peace Prize of the Book Trade for the Assmann couple , accessed on June 12, 2018
  7. The 2019 Prize Winner ,, accessed on June 18, 2019.
  8. Peace Prize 2020 ,, accessed on June 17, 2020.
  9. Klaußner read the laudation from Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier , who was not present because of a voluntary corona quarantine ( Börsenblatt )
  10. Tsitsi Dangarembga receives the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade on June 21, 2021.