List of peace prices

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This list names awards that are intended to honor people or institutions who work for peace, disarmament and international understanding.

Existing peace awards

Name of the prize issuing institution Year of first award Prize money annotation
Aachen Peace Prize Aachen Peace Prize V. 1988 undoped
Augsburg Peace Prize City of Augsburg and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria 1985 12,500 euros
Dresden Prize Association Friends of Dresden Germany 2010 undoped
Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize City of Osnabrück 1991 25,000 euros "Awarded for fiction, journalistic and generally understandable scientific work" that "deals with the topics of 'inner and outer peace'"
Félix Houphouët Boigny Peace Prize UNESCO 1991 122,000 euros
Franco Paselli Peace Prize International Peace School Bremen 1998 undoped
Nobel Peace Prize Norwegian Nobel Committee 1901 approx. 845,000 euros List of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
Peace Prize of the German Book Trade Exchange Association of the German Book Trade 1950 25,000 euros
Peace Prize of the Korn and Gerstenmann Foundation Abraham Korn and Rosa Gerstenmann 1985 50,000 euros
Friedrich Siegmund Schultze Prize Evangelical working group for conscientious objection and peace 1994 6,000 euros
Göttingen Peace Prize Roland Röhl 1999 3,000 euros
Gustav Heinemann Peace Prize for books for children and young people State center for political education NRW 1982 7,500 euros The award is given to books for children and young people that are particularly suitable for conveying to children and young people the idea of ​​a peaceful coexistence characterized by tolerance and moral courage
Hessian Peace Prize Albert Osswald Foundation 1994 25,000 euros
John Rabe Peace Prize John Rabe Communication Center 2009 undoped
Manfred Wörner Medal Federal ministry of defense 1996 unknown
Methodist Peace Prize World Council of Methodist Churches 1877 unknown
Michael Sattler Peace Prize German Mennonite Peace Committee 2006 unknown
Muhammad Nafi Chelebi Prize Central Institute Islam Archive Germany 1997 undoped
Niwano Peace Prize Niwano Peace Foundation 1983 the equivalent of 155,000 euros
Otto Hahn Peace Medal German Society for the United Nations 1988 undoped
Pacem in Terris Award Davenport Diocese 1964 unknown
Pearson Peace Medal United Nations Association in Canada 1979 unknown
Peter Becker Prize Philipps University of Marburg 2005 10,000 euros
Petra Kelly Prize Heinrich Böll Foundation 1998 10,000 euros
Ramon Magsaysay Award Rockefeller Brothers Fund in agreement with the Government of the Philippines 1958 unknown
Sean MacBride Peace Prize Bureau International Permanent de la Paix 1992 undoped
Student Peace Prize Student Peace Prize Secretariat 1999 approx € 5000
Stuttgart Peace Prize Stuttgart Peace Prize Foundation 2003 5000 Euro
Sydney Peace Prize Sydney Peace Foundation 1998 unknown
UNESCO Prize for Peace Education UNESCO 1981 up to $ 60,000
Was Resisters League Peace Award Was Resisters League 1958 unknown
Westphalian Peace Prize Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe e. V. 1998 100,000 euros

Historic peace awards

Name of the prize issuing institution Year of first award Year of the last award Prize money annotation
Abdi İpekçi Prize 0 1992 2001 undoped
Albert Einstein Peace Prize Albert Einstein Peace Prize Foundation 1980 1992 $ 50,000
Berlin Peace Watch Prize Berlin Committee for UNESCO Work 2003 2014 undoped
Beyond War Award Beyond War Foundation 1983 1990 undoped
Carl von Ossietzky Medal (Peace Council of the GDR) Peace Council of the GDR 1961 unknown (no later than 1989) unknown quasi-state award in the sense of the GDR dictatorship
Peace Prize of the German-Israeli Society German-Israeli Society 2001 2010 5000 Euro
International Peace Prize (World Peace Council) World Peace Council 1949 1956 unknown Controlled by the USSR
International Stalin (or Lenin) Peace Prize Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1949 1990 unknown

Prizes that, among other things, also honor commitment to peace, disarmament and international understanding

Other peace awards

See also

For prizes that have "Peace Prize" in their name, see Peace Prize . These do not have to be peace prizes in the sense of the list.