Foundation for Ecology and Democracy

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Foundation for Ecology and Democracy
founding September 12, 1992
founder Hans-Joachim Ritter
Seat Rülzheim
main emphasis ecology
method Seminars, start-ups
Action space Germany

The Foundation for Ecology and Democracy is a non-profit organization, recognized at the federal level by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB) for civic education, which is primarily committed to the environment and political ecology. One thematic focus is the further development of the social market economy into an ecological-social market economy . That is why the Foundation for Ecology and Democracy eV declared its founding day (September 12, 1992) the day of the ecological-social market economy . Its chairman has been the former ÖDP federal chairman Hans-Joachim Ritter since it was founded .


On January 1, 2003, the foundation established the EnergyAgency Speyer-Neustadt / Südpfalz (EA) in order to “implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects with good partners, but also to raise awareness through trade fairs, events and energy consultations” they hold meetings and events. The Foundation for Ecology and Democracy supports, among other things, the annual March for Life in Berlin.


Board of Trustees

Members of the Board of Trustees are:

  • Günter Nooke
  • Franz Josef Radermacher
  • Josef Riegler
  • Hans-Joachim Ritter
  • Kai Schlegelmilch , Berlin, previously advisor for climate protection and ecological tax reform in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, then in the European department there and since mid-2007 for renewable energies in the ministry. He is also deputy chairman of the Ecological-Social Market Economy Forum and advises various countries such as China and Vietnam on the introduction of ecological tax and financial reforms on behalf of GTZ.

Deceased members of the Board of Trustees:

Awards donated

European Peace Prize

The European Peace Prize has been awarded annually since 2004 to a political figure who has made a special contribution to world peace .

Previous winners are:

"Golden Tree" environmental award

This award, consisting of a certificate and a pin in the shape of a golden tree, has been presented annually since 1998 to a personality who has made a name for himself in the fields of ecology and democracy . The prize is intended to honor a good ecological role model .

Previous winners are:

“Ökologia” award

The award is given to companies that produce or produce ecological products. Previous winners:

  • 2002: Klemens Osika, owner of Osika GmbH
  • 2003: LUWOGE, since 2014 BASF Wohnen + Bauen, Ludwigshafen
  • 2004: GBG - Mannheimer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH, Mannheim
  • 2005: GAG Ludwigshafen
  • 2006: WBG Housing Association Neustadt ad Weinstrasse mbH
  • 2007: geox GmbH and Bestec GmbH for the Landau geothermal power plant
  • 2008: Klaus Becher
  • 2009: juwi , Wörrstadt
  • 2010: Mainau GmbH
  • 2011: Steinbeis Transfer Center for Energy, Building and Solar Technology, Stuttgart, and EGS Plan
  • 2012: Stadtwerke Speyer GmbH
  • 2013: Alfred Theodor Ritter , CEO of Paradigma and Ritter Sport-Schokolade
  • 2014: Gutshof Ziegelhütte , Klima-Hotel

Ökologia - ambassador for ecology

The foundation awards the function of "Ökologia" every year. Every year since 2001, “a woman with charisma and competence as a representative of ecology” has been appointed as the ambassador for ecology . The person hands over the prize of the same name annually in the following year.

Previous winners:

  • 2001: Klaudia Martini , Environment Minister of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
  • 2002: Ilka Wedekind , head of department in the State Office for Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • 2003: Beate Weber , Lord Mayor of the City of Heidelberg, member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Ecology a. Democracy eV
  • 2004: Margit Conrad , Environment Minister of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
  • 2005: Eva Lohse , Lord Mayor of Ludwigshafen am Rhein
  • 2006: Angelika Zahrnt , BUND federal chairwoman
  • 2007: Tanja Gönner , Environment Minister of the State of Baden-Württemberg
  • 2008: Bettina Bernadotte , managing director of Mainau GmbH
  • 2009: Bärbel Dieckmann , Lord Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn
  • 2010: Jacqueline Kraege , State Secretary in the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of the Environment
  • 2011: Claudia Kemfert , Professor at the Hertie School, Berlin and Head of the Energy, Transport, Environment Department at DIW Berlin
  • 2012: Eveline Lemke , Minister for Economic Affairs, Climate Protection, Energy and State Planning for Rhineland-Palatinate
  • 2013: Philippa Rath , Benedictine nun of the St. Hildegard Abbey in Rüdesheim-Eibingen
  • 2014: Theresia Riedmaier , District Administrator of the Southern Wine Route district
  • 2015: Claudia Kaminski , Federal Chairwoman of the Campaign to Live Right for All (ALfA)
  • 2016: Beate Jessel , President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
  • 2017: Ulrike Höfken , Minister for the Environment, Energy, Nutrition and Forests of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
  • 2018: Sabine Kauffmann, co-founder and managing director of bio verlag gmbh, Aschaffenburg ( Schrot & Korn Naturkostmagazin , BioHandel)
  • 2019: Ursula Sladek , co-founder and head of EWS Elektrizitätswerke Schönau

Web links

Homepage of the foundation

Individual evidence

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