Claudia Kaminski

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Claudia Elisabeth Kaminski (born August 22, 1966 in Arnsberg ) is a German doctor , journalist and presenter . She is the director of communications for the Catholic television channel K-TV and works for Vatican News in Rome .

Live and act

After graduating from high school in 1985, Claudia Kaminski initially trained as a nurse and studied medicine at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg from 1989 to 1995 . She completed her internship in Marseille , Kenya and Pakistan . In 1994 she worked in UNHCR refugee camps in Rwanda and Zaire . In 1997 she was awarded a doctorate by Hans Caffier at the University of Würzburg on "Kathepsin D as a prognostic factor in ovarian carcinoma". med. PhD. She worked as an assistant doctor at the Rotkreuzklinik Würzburg, in Coesfeld , in emergency medicine in Munich and at the Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Fulda . In addition, she did advanced training at the University of Friborg (Switzerland) .

In 2001 she moved to the Maltese and until 2017, among other things, headed the communication and public relations department of the Malteser Aid Service in Cologne. She worked as press spokeswoman for the General Association of Maltesers in Germany and Malteser International .

Kaminski has been working primarily as a journalist and presenter in Rome since 2018 and is director of communications at the Catholic television channel K-TV . Among other things, she is responsible for Vatican Radio “Our Sunday” - weekly reflections on the Sunday Gospel by various personalities; on television "Talk from Rome" - conversations with personalities from the Catholic world on the television station K-TV. Kaminski reports monthly in cooperation with RomeReports from the Vatican and the Universal Church. She is also responsible for the weekly German edition of Terra Santa News, news from the Holy Land .

She also acted as a commentator on various occasions, including from March to May 2020, when she commented on the broadcast of the early masses with Pope Francis from the Vatican as well as most of the Holy and Easter liturgy that took place without believers due to Corona .

Kaminski lives alternately in Rome and in the Rhineland.


Memberships and honorary positions

  • 1996–2016 federal chairwoman of the Action to Live Right for All
  • 1998–2008 member of the Board of Trustees of the Ja zum Leben Foundation , Meschede
  • 2001–2009 founding member and chairwoman of the Bundesverband Lebensrecht
  • since 2016 Vice-President of “La Rete” ACIC - Associazione culturale per informazione e communicazione per la promozione culturale socio-cristiana nell'ambito italo-tedesca, Roma
  • since 2016 honorary chairman of the campaign to live right for all

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New format for the Catholic television station K-TV - Hour of Pastoral Care. Retrieved April 22, 2020 .
  2. a b c d Foundation for Ecology and Democracy eV - Ökologia 2015. In: Foundation for Ecology and Democracy eV January 23, 2015, accessed on April 27, 2020 (German).
  3. Our Sunday: The Body is the Favorite Path of Grace - Vatican News. April 18, 2020, accessed April 27, 2020 .
  4. Vatican: A look into the broadcast booth - Vatican News. April 17, 2020, accessed April 22, 2020 .
  5. Change at the top of the “Action Right to Live for All”. In: idea e. V. Accessed April 22, 2020 .
  6. ^ Anti-fascist press archive and education center Berlin : Foundation Yes to Life. Retrieved April 22, 2020 .
  7. Claudia Kaminski has resigned from her position as chairwoman of the Bundesverband Lebensrecht (BVL). In: German Evangelical Alliance e. V. July 6, 2009, accessed April 27, 2020 .