Kurt Egger (biologist)

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Kurt Egger (born February 13, 1932 in Eßlingen am Neckar ; † January 15, 2012 ) was a German biologist and university professor .


Egger studied biology , chemistry and physics at the University of Tübingen , where he received his doctorate in 1957, and at the University of Innsbruck . In 1963 he completed his habilitation at the Botanical Institute of Heidelberg University . In 1968/69 he was visiting professor at the University of Grenoble . In 1970 he was appointed adjunct professor in Heidelberg. In 1970/71 he became dean of the new Faculty of Biology in Heidelberg. There he worked on the analysis of secondary plant substances .

Since 1971 Kurt Egger has been working mainly on issues of agroecology and agro-forestry . He describes and analyzes autochthonous agricultural systems and is significantly involved in the development of the methods of ecofarming , which later became known as local agriculture. In 1971/72 Egger prepared the study “Ecological Problems in Selected Developing Countries” on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 1974/75 he did agro-ecological studies in East Africa on behalf of the Kübel Foundation. Start of project-related development of ecological cultivation systems in Rwanda on behalf of the German Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). From then on, he carried out numerous agro-ecological-plant cultivation studies on behalf of GTZ and BMZ: Rwanda, Brazil / Manaus, Tanzania, Ghana, Benin, Kalimantan, Upper Volta, on behalf of the World Bank: Cameroon / Western Highlands (1977 and 1981), Cameroon / Lékié-Mbam, Upper Volta. He created others on behalf of the French Technical Aid in Ethiopia / Wollayta 1975–1985 and as a consultant for the GTZ project Nyabisindu / Rwanda. There he developed the ecofarming methods. 1985–1993 he is the head of the PIASP project for organic farming in the tropics, Mugusa / Rwanda on behalf of the state of Baden-Württemberg. From 1987 he works on the transfer of agroforestry knowledge from Rwanda to the conditions of the highlands of Madagascar (on behalf of the Swiss Intercooperation - IC - ) and teaches at the University of Antananarivo, ESSA FORET. In 1997 Kurt Egger was retired, but he continued teaching and advising in Madagascar for the GTZ PDFIV project. Since 2005 he has been advising Tibetans in Orissa / India on questions of agroecology. He was a founding member and member of the advisory board of the Association for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture in the Tropics. V. (FÖLT). Egger was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Ecology and Democracy and was a member of the scientific advisory board of the German Society for Human Ecology. In addition to agro-ecological research, human ecology was always the second important scientific pillar for him, which he used to reflect on social developments in connection with environmental problems


In 1973/74 Kurt Egger received the Oskar Mahr Prize from the Association of German Scientists for the design of the theoretical ecological research program "Reorientation of Agriculture".


  • K. Egger, B. Glaeser: Political Ecology of the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. Publication series of the Kübel Foundation, Bensheim 1975.
  • K. Egger: Traditional farming in Tanzania - model of ecological order? In: Crossroads. Volume 5, No. 2, 1975, pp. 269-295.
  • K. Egger: Exploitation or Cooperation Agriculture in Ecological Responsibility. In: Crossroads. Volume 6, No. 2, 1976, pp. 194-208.
  • K. Egger: Ecology as Productive Force - Experience with “Ecofarming in East Africa”. In: H. Elsenhans (Ed.): Agrarian reform in the third world. Frankfurt am Main 1979, pp. 217-254.
  • K. Egger, P. Rottach: Methods of Ecofarming in Rwanda. In: The tropical farmer. Volume 84, 1983, pp. 168-185.
  • K. Egger: A way out of the crisis - possibilities of organic farming in the tropics. In: H. Heske (Ed.): Harvest thanks? Agriculture between agribusiness, genetic engineering and the like traditional farming (= ecocide. 3). Focus Verlag, Giessen 1987, ISBN 3-88349-350-3 , pp. 72-98.
  • K. Egger, B. Martens: Theory and methods of ecofarming and their realization in Rwanda, East Africa. In: B. Glaeser (Ed.): The Green Revolution revisited. Allen & Unwin, London 1987, pp. 150-175.
  • K. Egger, S. Rudolph: For the clear handling of complex aspects of the cultural and ecological crisis. In: B. Glaeser, Parto Teherani-Krönner (ed.): Human ecology and cultural ecology, basics, approaches, practice. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1992, pp. 191-220.
  • K. Egger: Eight years of PIASP. (= Heidelberg yearbooks ). Springer, Heidelberg 1993.
  • K. Egger: Traditional agroforestry system of the Bamiléké in Cameroon - A model for adapted agricultural development. In it comparison with PAP - Rwanda. (Video, languages ​​D.-Fr.-E., order no .: D 1843), Institute for Scientific Film (IWF), Göttingen 1995.
  • K. Egger, U. Korus (Ed.): Organic farming in the tropics. (= Alternative concepts of the Ecology and Agriculture Foundation. Volume 86). CF Müller Verlag, Heidelberg 1995, ISBN 3-7880-9866-X .
  • K. Egger: Evolution, the image of man and the environmental crisis - an attempt to form human-ecological hypotheses. In: Hartmut Wehrt (Ed.): Human Ecology. Contribution to the holistic understanding of our historical world. Birkhäuser, Basel 1996.
  • K. Egger: Bread for the World and the Abundance of Life - A plea for the right globalization. In: Bread for the World - Everything that is Right. Workbook for the 44th campaign 2002/2003, pp. 55–63.
  • K. Egger: From the Gardens of Childhood to the Gaia Garden. In: The conversation from afar. No. 381, 2007, pp. 27-31.
  • K. Egger: The holy tree - the agroforestry culture - the paper wear. In: Symbolon, yearbook of the society for scientific symbol research. Volume 16, 2007, pp. 31-50.
  • K. Egger: Avoid hunger, save the climate? In: The conversation from afar. No. 385, 2008, pp. 13-18.
  • K. Egger: The moral inversion - causes of our normative orientation crisis. In: Karl Bruckmeier, Wolfgang Serbser (ed.): Ethics and environmental policy. (= Human Ecology Edition. Vol. 6). oekom Verlag, 2008, pp. 139–162.
  • K. Egger: Growth, growth above all else? In: The conversation from afar. No. 391, 2010, pp. 9-12.
  • K. Egger, S. Pucher: What nourishes us, what sustains us - human-ecological orientation towards world nutrition. (= Human Ecology Edition. Vol. 7). oekom Verlag, 2012.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Laudation ... on stiftung-oekologie-u-demokratie.de (PDF file; 58 kB)
  2. Irmfried Neumann: Memories of Kurt Egger. Obituary. In: What nourishes us, what sustains us - human-ecological orientation towards world nutrition. oekom Verlag, 2012, pp. 9–15. (foelt.org , PDF file; 604 kB)
  3. Kurt Egger, Uwe Korus: Organic farming in the tropics. CF Müller Verlag, 1995, ISBN 3-7880-9866-X .
  4. Heidelberger Jahrbücher XXXVII 1993 on ub.uni-heidelberg.de (PDF file; 1 kB)
  5. Kurt Egger, Stephan Pucher (ed.): What nourishes us, what sustains us - human-ecological orientation towards world nutrition. oekom Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-86581-319-0 .
  6. Katharina Madrid: Combating poverty through agroforestry measures in Madagascar. (PDF file; 17.8 MB). Doctoral thesis at Faculty VII (Architecture, Environment, Society) of the Technical University of Berlin, 2004.
  7. Members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Ecology and Democracy eV ( Memento from May 30, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  8. K. Egger: Evolution, image of man and environmental crisis - an attempt to form human-ecological hypotheses. In: Hartmut Wehrt (Ed.): Human Ecology. Contribution to the holistic understanding of our historical world. Birkhäuser, Basel 1996.
  9. K. Egger: The moral inversion - causes of our normative orientation crisis. In: Karl Bruckmeier, Wolfgang Serbser (ed.): Ethics and environmental policy. (= Human Ecology Edition. Vol. 6). oekom Verlag, 2008, pp. 139–162.