Michael Gehring

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Michael Gehring (born February 28, 1918 in Schweinfurt , † April 6, 1969 in Berlin ) was a German doctor , health politician and SED functionary. He was Deputy Minister for Health in the GDR .


Gehring, the son of a working-class family, attended elementary school and high school. He was in the Catholic Youth Association from 1925 and in the Hitler Youth from 1933 to 1937 . Gehring studied from 1937 medicine at the universities of Munich and Würzburg and was 1944 in Würzburg Dr. med. PhD. From 1937 a member of the Wehrmacht , he was deployed during the Second World War as a field doctor in the 74th artillery regiment in Hungary, Romania and the Soviet Union. He ran from April to June 1945 in US captivity and worked in 1945 in the infectious diseases ward of the hospital Neuruppin .

From July 1 to December 31, 1946 Gehring was initially a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD) and from March 1947 a member of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED). In 1947 he headed the hospital in the Gronenfelde returnees camp and in 1948 became chief physician of the newly established municipal polyclinic in Frankfurt (Oder) .

In 1949 Gehring was appointed to the main health care administration of the German Economic Commission , and later to the Ministry of Labor and Health Care and the Ministry of Health Care. Here he held several responsible functions: From 1950 he was head of the training department, later head of the main healing department and secretary of the BPO of the SED. From 1958 he acted as deputy minister for health care and from 1961 as first vice-president of the committee for healthy living and health education in the GDR. In February 1964 he became - as successor to Willi Jahnke - State Secretary and First Deputy Minister of Health. From January 1963 (VI Party Congress) to April 1967 (VII Party Congress), Gehring was also a candidate for the Central Committee of the SED .

As a trainer and trainer, Gehring has particularly received the teaching of Ivan P. Pavlov and tried to promote its application in medical practice.

Gehring was married and the father of four children. He died at the age of 51 and was buried in the central cemetery in Berlin-Friedrichsfelde .


  • About the accuracy of X-ray diagnostics in diseases of the small intestine and large intestine with the exception of the duodenum . University of Würzburg 1944 ( dissertation ).
  • Introduction to the study of teaching IP Pavlov . Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin 1952.
    • (Spanish translation): Introducción al estudio de la doctrina de IP Pavlov . Editorial Ciordia, Buenos Aires 1966.
  • Questions regarding the application of Pavlov's teaching in medical practice . Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin 1954.
  • Introduction to Nursing . Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin 1957.
  • Introduction to the theory of higher nervous activity . Dresden 1957; 4th edition, Potsdam Institute for Further Education of Medium-sized Medical Professionals, Potsdam 1968.
  • Health and social security [worth knowing about the GDR]. Verlag Zeit im Bild, Dresden 1964.
    • (English translation): Health and social security .
    • (French translation): Santé et sécurité dans le domaine social .
    • (Spanish translation): Sanidad y seguridad social .
  • Health and social services: GDR . Verlag Zeit im Bild, Dresden 1968.
    • (English translation): Health and social system: GDR .
    • (Finnish translation): Terveys- ja sosiaalihuolto: SDT .
    • (French translation): Santé publique et affaires sociales: RDA .
    • (Russian translation): Здравоохранение и социальное обеспечение: ГДР .
    • (Swedish translation): Hälsovårds- och socialväsen: TDR .
    • (Spanish translation): Salud pública y asistencia social: RDA .
  • (Translator): Alexander G. Spirkin, EP Brunowt: The teaching of IP Pavlov from the signaling systems ( Учение И.П. Павлова о сигнальных системах ). Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin 1953.
  • (Editor): LS Gambarjan, WI Sasontov: Some Methods of Introducing Pavlov's Teaching into Practical Medicine ( Некоторые методы внедрения учения И. П. Павлова в практическую мед ). Verlag Volk und Gesundheit, Berlin 1954.



  • Walter Habel (Ed.): Who is who? The German who's who . Volume II. Arani-Verlag, Berlin-Grunewald 1965, p. 85.
  • Rosemarie Preuss: Gehring, Michael . In: Gabriele Baumgartner, Dieter Hebig (Hrsg.): Biographisches Handbuch der SBZ / DDR. 1945–1990 . Volume 1: Abendroth - Lyr . KG Saur, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-598-11176-2 , p. 214.
  • Wolff Horst-Peter: Gehring, Michael . In: ders. (Ed.): Biographical lexicon for care history. Who was who in nursing history. Verlag Ullstein Mosbym Berlin / Wiesbaden 1997, ISBN 3-86126-628-8 , pp. 60f.
  • Andreas Herbst , Gerd-Rüdiger Stephan, Jürgen Winkler (eds.): The SED. History organization politics. A manual . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-320-01951-1 , p. 951.
  • Volker Klimpel: Politician-Doctors. Biographical-bibliographical lexicon . Pressler, Hürtgenwald 2001, ISBN 3-87646-095-6 , p. 51.
  • Wolff Horst-Peter: The influence of Michael Gehring (1918–1969) on nursing training in the GDR . In: Pflege 3 (1997), pp. 171-177.

Individual evidence

  1. Short biography in Minutes No. 46/58 of the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED on November 18, 1958 - BArch DY 30 / J IV 2/2/618.
  2. Dr. Gehring appointed State Secretary . In: Berliner Zeitung , February 29, 1964, p. 2.
  3. Urn Dr. Gehrings buried . In: Neues Deutschland , April 18, 1969, p. 2.