Michael H. Nelson

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Michael H. Nelson (born September 25, 1952 in Hamburg ) is a German sociologist and political scientist who mainly deals with Southeast Asia and especially Thailand .


Nelson initially worked as an employee and social worker before he graduated from 1981-87 with a degree in sociology at Bielefeld University . In 1985 his first research stay took him to Thailand. 1994 he was at the University of Bielefeld with a dissertation on the politics and government in rural areas of Thailand doctorate .

Nelson was visiting professor at the political science faculty at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok from 1995–99 and 2005–11 . From 1999 to 2005 he was a research associate at King Prajadhipok's Institute (KPI), a state institute for the development of democracy. From 2012 to 2014, he directed the Masters program in Southeast Asian Studies at Walailak University . From 2016 to 2018 he taught at the Political Science Faculty at Ubon Ratchathani University . In addition, he has been associated as a researcher with the German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG) at the law faculty of Thammasat University since 2011 . His focus is on the political situation in Thailand, with studies of local administration, decentralization and the effects of globalization on Southeast Asia.


  • Central Authority and Local Democratization in Thailand: A Case Study from Chachoengsao Province . White Lotus Press, Bangkok 1998 (= Studies in Contemporary Thailand, 6), ISBN 974-8434-17-6 .
  • Local Government Reform in Thailand: With Some Comparative Perspectives , King Prajadhipok's Institute, Nonthaburi (Thailand) 1999 [revised edition 2000] (= KPI Reports, 1), ISBN 974-8768-24-4 .
  • Analyzing Provincial Political Structures in Thailand: phuak, trakun, and hua khanaen , City University of Hong Kong, Southeast Asia Research Center, Hong Kong 2005 (= SEARC Working Paper Series, 79).
  • (Ed.) Thailand's New Politics , King Prajadhipok's Institute, Nonthaburi (Thailand) 2002 (= KPI Yearbook 1, for 2001), ISBN 974-4800-12-7 .
  • (Ed.) Thai Politics: Global and Local Perspectives , King Prajadhipok's Institute, Nonthaburi 2005 (= KPI Yearbook 2, for 2002/2003).
  • With Jürgen Rüland, Clemens Jürgenmeyer and Patrick Ziegenhain: Parliaments and Political Change in Asia , Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore 2005, ISBN 981-230232-8 .
  • The Thai Politics Bibliography . 8th edition. Nonthaburi, Thailand: King Prajadhipok's Institute 2007.
  • People's Alliance for Democracy. From 'New Politics' to a 'Real' Political Party? In: Legitimacy Crisis and Political Conflict in Thailand. Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai 2010, ISBN 978-974-9511-97-8 , pp. 119–159.

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