Michael Heizer

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View of "Double Negative" by Michael Heizer, looking south

Michael "Mike" Heizer (born November 4, 1944 in Berkeley , California ) is an internationally recognized artist and designer of works of art that are attributed to Land Art .

life and work

"4 Part Circle" by Michael Heizer, 1977 (photographed in the Folkwang Museum Essen in April 2014)

Heizer studied at the San Francisco Art Institute from 1963 to 1964 and moved to New York in 1966 . Starting in winter 1967/68, Heizer realized his first land art projects, especially in the deserts of Nevada , Arizona and California . Since around 1970 he has dedicated himself to the sculpture complex City in Nevada and the creation of sculptures out of wood and stone and created both monochrome and abstract pictures.

The radical approach is particularly impressive in his work Double Negative from 1969: bulldozers and dynamite were used to make two nine-meter-wide and 15-meter-deep, precisely linear incisions with a total length of more than 450 meters in the erosion edge of the desert-like Mormon Mesa plateau driven near Las Vegas. 240,000 tons of rock had to be moved to create the work of art, a tangible “negative” sculpture that you don't just look at from the outside as usual, but that you walk through and experience as a meditative space.

He had nothing in mind with the intentions of the later burgeoning ecological movement. "It's about art, not landscape" , emphasized Michael Heizer and thus resisted attempts to interpret Land Art as ecological landscape art .

Heizer has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2009 .



  • Levitated Mass (2011-2012)
  • Double Negative (1969-1970)


  • Hannelore Kersting (arrangement): Contemporary art. 1960 to 2007. Städtisches Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, 2007, ISBN 978-3-924039-55-4 .
  • Philipp von Rosen: Michael Heizer - outside and inside the white cube. Schreiber, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-88960-061-1 .
  • Michael Semff , Andreas Strobl (eds.): The presence of the line: A selection of recent acquisitions of the 20th and 21st centuries of the State Graphic Collection Munich Pinakothek der Moderne, March 19 to June 21, 2009, Munich 2009 ISBN 978-3 -927803-46-6 .
  • Michael Heizer - The effect of the landscape . In: Markus Stegmann: Architectural Sculpture in the 20th Century. Historical aspects and work structures , Tübingen 1995, pages 129-134.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. image: Double Negative (1969-1970)