Michael Ludovici

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Michael Ludovici (born January 3, 1602 in Coburg , † May 18, 1680 in Wismar ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


The son of the bookbinder Jacob Ludewig, attended high school in his hometown and frequented the University of Jena , the University of Wittenberg and the University of Leipzig . In 1627 he acquired the degree of master's degree in philosophy. After giving lectures, he was appointed high school professor of rhetoric and Greek in Coburg in 1629.

In 1633 he took over the position of an adjunct at the superintendent in Sonnefeld , participated in the Thirty Years War in 1640 in the Swedish army under General Johan Banér as field preacher and in 1641 he was raised to general field superintendent and president of the field consistory by General Lennart Torstensson .

In 1652 he went to Sweden, became the first preacher at the budget church of the General Diocese of Bremen-Verden and assessor of the royal Swedish consistory in Stade . In 1654 he went to the Polish war as general field superintendent and in 1670 became superintendent in Wismar. In addition to some funeral sermons, he wrote a “Christian Soldiers Handbook” (Stade 1669).

Genealogically it should be noted that he was married four times. A daughter from his second marriage married the sub-senior Johann Fischer in Coburg and his son Michael Ludwig Ludovici from his third marriage became a garrison preacher in Wismar.
