Michael Sober

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Michael Nüchtern (born December 22, 1949 in Gelnhausen ; † July 7, 2010 in Karlsruhe ) was a Protestant theologian and senior church councilor of the Evangelical Church in Baden .

life and work

Soberly studied Protestant theology in Heidelberg and Zurich , followed by a doctorate in Heidelberg in 1976 . After the teaching vicariate in Hockenheim , he worked as a parish vicar in Villingen and Bad Dürrheim .

From 1979 to 1995 he was at the Evangelical Academy in Baden , initially as head of studies, then from 1990 as managing director and academy director. In 1995 he became the head of the Protestant Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen in Berlin.

In 1998 he was appointed Senior Councilor of the Evangelical Church in Baden in Karlsruhe, responsible for the Theology, Congregation and Preaching Department. In 2005 , Nüchtern completed his habilitation at the Theological Faculty of Heidelberg University . In 2009 he became an adjunct professor at the Theological Faculty of Heidelberg University, in September 2009 he had to relinquish the management of his department for health reasons and worked as a consultant for fundamental theological issues in the regional bishop's office.

Publications (selection)

  • Church on occasion. Casualia - academy work - adult education (= practical theology today. Vol. 4). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1991.
  • What can heal. Therapeutic insights from biblical stories . Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1994.
  • Church in competition. Challenges and opportunities in the religious landscape . Quell, Stuttgart 1997.
  • The (un) secret longing for the religious . Quell, Stuttgart 1998.
  • Sky echo. Discover patterns of Christian spirituality . Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 2004.
  • Make the church evangelical . Lit, Berlin 2008.


  • Georg Lämmlin (Ed.): The Church of Freedom to evangelically shape. Michael Nüchtern's contributions to practical theology . Lit, Berlin 2012.

Web links