Michael Praetorius senior

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Michael Praetorius , Latinized from Michael Schultheiß , (* around 1515 in Bunzlau ; † after 1583 in Treuenbrietzen ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Born the son of a clothier and furrier in Bolesławiec Praetorius studied in Wittenberg theology of up to acquire Bakkalaureustitels . He then took a position as a teacher at the Torgau Latin School in early 1534 . In Torgau he was a student of Johann Walter in the musical field . In 1537 Praetorius married in Torgau; in this at least three sons were born. In order to get better job opportunities, he continued his theology studies in Wittenberg 1538-39, which he finished with the acquisition of the master's degree . As a result, he received the post of preacher at the Marienkirche Torgau . In connection with the conflicts over the Leipzig Interim , Praetorius wrote the font Summa and, like his superior Gabriel Zwilling , was removed from office in 1549. Praetorius took over a pastorate in Creuzburg . Due to the prevailing religious conflicts, however, Praetorius lost the pastoral office again in 1563. Rehabilitated by a “letter of leave of absence” from the Creuzburg council in 1569, he was able to take over the pastor's position there again. He had been married to Gertrud Leicher, known as Zwilling, since 1567, and the family had several children. In 1571 his son Michael was born, later a famous composer, organist and court music director.

In 1573 Praetorius again lost his office in Creuzburg. He then went back to Torgau, where, however, in 1583, as a strict Lutheran, the cryptocalvinists drove him out. He then fled to Treuenbrietzen in the Electorate of Brandenburg , where he died a few years later as Exul Christi ("expelled for Christ's sake").


  • Herbert von Hintzenstern : Michael Praetorius Chreuzburgensis (1571–1621) , in: Laudate Dominum , Thuringian Church Studies, Vol. 3, Berlin 1976, pp. 111–114.
  • Hans-Joachim Böttcher : Schult (h) eiß (Praetorius), Michael , in: Important historical personalities of the Dübener Heide , AMF - No. 237, 2012, pp. 93–94.

Individual evidence

  1. Karl-Jürgen Kemmelmeyer: In the spirit of Luther's comments on Michael Praetorius Creuzbergensis. Hanover lecture at the work week of the Association of Protestant Church Musicians in Bayerne. V. - February 5 - 9, 2012 in Pappenheim, lecture on Monday, February 6, 2012 Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media: Institute for Music Pedagogical Research (ifmpf) [1]
  2. ^ Herbert von Hintzenstern: Michael Praetorius Creuzburgensis (1571 - 1621) Published in: »Laudate Dominum«: Eighteen contributions to the history of the Church in Thuringia. Ceremony for the 70th birthday of Regional Bishop D. Ingo Braecklein. Thuringian Church Studies; Vol. 3, Berlin 1976, pp. 111-114 [2]
  3. ^ Genealogy of Michael Pretorius senior, genealogy.net [3]