Michael Reuder

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Michael Reuder (born August 9, 1821 in Bamberg , † December 8, 1882 in Günzburg ) was a Bavarian administrative lawyer .


Reuder studied 1843-1846 Rights at the University of Würzburg . He worked at the Royal District and City Court of Bamberg, then from 1850 to 1857 at the district courts of Kirchenlamitz , Rehau , Hollfeld and Weismain . In 1862 he was transferred to Staffelstein as a district assessor . From March 10, 1870, he was district administrator in Günzburg .


  • Georg Kreuzer: Short biographies of the Günzburg and Krumbach district officials and district administrators 1862–1966. Edited by the Historisches Verein Günzburg e. V .; Günzburg, 1999