Michael Simon Reis

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Michael Simon Reis (* 1984 in Büchlberg ) is a German chef.


After completing his training, Reis went to the Brandstätter restaurant in Salzburg (one Michelin star ) in 2002 and to the Johanna Maier restaurant in Filzmoos (two Michelin stars) in 2004 . In 2005 he moved to the Villa Hammerschmiede restaurant in Pfinztal , and in 2006 to the Steirereck restaurant in Vienna (two Michelin stars). In 2008 he went to Mallorca to the Tristan restaurant (two Michelin stars) and completed an apprenticeship as a chef in Vienna. In 2009 he cooked in Spain in the Arzak restaurant in San Sebastian (three Michelin stars).

From 2010 to 2013 he completed a degree in pedagogy at the University of Education in Vienna . During that time he worked in the creative and development team in the Steirereck restaurant in Vienna (two Michelin stars).

Since September 2013 he has been chef de cuisine at the Johanns restaurant in Waldkirchen , the restaurant is located in the Garhammer fashion house , the name refers to the founder's first name. The restaurant has been awarded one star since the 2015 Michelin Guide .


  • 2004 silver medal (team) at the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt
  • 2014: One star in the 2015 Michelin Guide

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b restaurant-johanns.de: Head Chef / Gastronomic Director
  2. restaurant-johanns.de: Team
  3. regioevent.de: Gourmet restaurant crowns noble fashion center ( Memento from September 17, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  4. restaurant-ranglisten.de