Michael von Erdelyi

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Michael von Erdelyi (born June 9, 1782 in Vienna ; † April 21, 1837 there ) was an Austrian veterinarian and university lecturer.


Michael von Erdelyi was born as the son of the doctor Franz Josef von Erdelyi, who came from a Hungarian nobility, and his wife, Maria Anna, née. Permittinger, born.

He attended secondary school in Josephstadt in 1792 and completed his high school course from 1793 to 1795. In 1798 he began to study philosophy at the University of Vienna and attended lectures in physics with Remigius Samuel Döttler (1741-1812), in mathematics with Georg Ignaz von Metzburg , with Franz Samuel Karpe on theoretical and practical philosophy, with Joseph Ernst Mayer (1752 –1814) in natural history and Franz Hammer in philology. In 1801 he began studying medicine, which he successfully completed in 1811; his Dr. med. he acquired on June 3, 1813. After completing his medical studies, he began further training in veterinary medicine with the aim of becoming a veterinarian .

In 1812 Emperor Franz II had ordered that the Veterinary Institute be merged with the university. The first director of this kk Tierarzney Institute was Ferdinand Bernhard Vietz (1772–1815), who until then had given lectures on medical police and forensic pharmacology at the University of Vienna. In 1814 Michael von Erdelyi received permission to give lectures on anatomy and physiology. In the following years he expanded his studies to include zootomy and zoophysiology and in 1818 he was appointed chair of the anatomy and physiology of domestic animals; he continued to teach until his death.

He played a major role in putting together the collection of the physiological and pathological museum of the educational institution. The rich collection, which includes some very rare specimens, is now in the tower of fools .

In 1828 he married a born Dion.


  • In 1828 he became a member of the agricultural association of the Grand Duchy of Baden.

Fonts (selection)

He also wrote numerous articles in the medical yearbooks of the Austrian state and he made various scientific contributions to the General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts .
