Mikhail Alexandrowitsch Kriwoglas

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Mikhail Alexandrovich Kriwoglas ( Russian Михаил Александрович Кривоглаз / Ukrainian Михайло Олександрович Кривоглаз Mykhailo Oleksandrowytsch Krywohlas * 18th May 1929 in Kiev , Ukrainian SSR , † the 30th June 1988 ) was a Soviet theoretical physicists and solid-state physicist .


When his father Alexander Kriwoglas was drafted into the Red Army at the beginning of the German-Soviet War , the mother and children were evacuated to the village of Bogdanowka in the Chkalov Oblast . In 1944 the family returned to Kiev, and Mikhail Kriwoglas finished his school years in the local school No. 25 in 1945. He then began studying physics at the University of Kiev , which he completed in 1950.

After studying Kriwoglas briefly worked as a physics lecturer at the Kiev shipbuilding - pilot . In 1951 he was employed as an engineer in the Laboratory for Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (AN-USSR) , which was founded in 1945 and which became the Institute for Metal Physics in 1954 (since 1996 Kurdjumov Institute for Metal Physics). There he spent his further scientific life. His teacher in theoretical physics was Solomon Pekar . In 1954 he successfully defended his candidate dissertation and also in 1962 his doctoral dissertation . Under his leadership, the department for the theory of non-ideal crystals was founded in 1964 , which he headed until his death in 1988. In 1986 he was awarded the Fedorov Award of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-USSR) for work on the X-ray -, electron - and neutron - diffraction in ideal and real crystals.

In 1978 Kriwoglas became a corresponding member of the AN-USSR. He was a member of the Solid State Physics section of the Scientific Council for Solid State Physics Problems of the AN-USSR and the Coordinating Council for Solid State Physics of the AN-USSR. He was co-editor of the journals Metallphysik und Metallkunde , Solid-state physics and the international journal Kristalldefekte . For many years he headed the Philosophical Seminar .


  • State Prize of the USSR (1978 and 1988)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary for Mikhail Alexandrowitsch Kriwoglas (Russian, accessed May 23, 2016).
  2. ^ GV Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics (accessed May 23, 2016).
  3. X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction in Nonideal Crystals by Krivoglaz, Mikhail A. (accessed May 23, 2016).