Michel Fattal

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Michel Fattal (* 1954 in Alexandria , Egypt ) is a French philosopher and author.


Fattal is Professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy at the Pierre Mendès-France University (now Grenoble University ) in Grenoble , France.

It deals with the principle of the logos in Greek philosophy. In particular, the works of Homer , Hesiod , Heraclitus , Parmenides , Plato , Aristotle , Chrysippus and Plotinus are his sources of inspiration.

Fattal is the author of several works on Plato, Plotinus and the Neo-Platonic philosophy of Augustine and al-Farabis . He writes in French and his works have mainly been translated into Italian and Polish.

In 2014 he received for the book “Platon et Plotin. Relation, Logos, Intuition ” the Prix ​​Charles Lyon-Caen of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques .

Publications (selection)

  • For a new language of meaning. Convergences between Orient and Occident. Preface by P. Aubenque. Paris, Beauchesne, Library of Philosophy Archives, 50, 1988.
  • Per un nuovo linguaggio della ragione. Convergenze tra Oriente e Occidente. Italian translation Cinesello Balsamo (Milano). Universo Filosofia, San Paolo 1999.
  • Logos. Między Orientem A Zachodem. Polish translation. Wydawnictwo Ifis Pan (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Warsaw 2001.
  • Logos and picture at Plotinus. L'Harmattan, Paris / Montreal 1998.
  • Studies on Plotinus. L'Harmattan, Paris / Montreal 2000.
  • The philosophy of Plato 1. L'Harmattan, Paris / Budapest / Turin 2001.
  • Logos thought and truth in Greek philosophy. L'Harmattan, Paris / Montreal / Budapest / Turin 2001.
  • Logos and language in Plotinus and before Plotinus. L'Harmattan, Paris 2003.
  • The philosophy of Plato 2. L'Harmattan, Paris / Budapest / Turin 2005.
  • Ricerche sul Logos da Omero a Plotino Vita e Pensiero, Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico. Studi e testi, 99, Milano 2005.
  • Plotinus with Augustine. The Influence of Plotinus on the Gnostics . Paris / Budapest / Turin 2006
  • Plotinus in the face of Plato. The influence of Plotinus on Augustine and al-Farabi . Paris, L'Harmattan, Philosophy Section, 2007
  • Plotino, gli Gnostici e Agostino. Italian translation of Plotinus in the face of Plato. Loffredo Editore, Skepticism, 20, Napoli 2008.
  • Aristote et Plotin in the philosophy of Arabe. L'Harmattan, Philosophy Section, 2008.
  • Image, myth, logos et reason. L'Harmattan, Philosophy Section, 2009.
  • Le langage chez Plato. Autour du. Sophiste, (The language of Plato. About the Sophist), L'Harmattan, Philosophy section, 2009.
  • Saint Paul face aux philosophes épicuriens et stoïciens. L'Harmattan, Philosophy Section, 2010.
  • Paroles et actes chez Héraclite. On the theoretical foundations of moral action. L'Harmattan, Ouverture Philosophique, Paris 2011.
  • Plato and Plotin. Relation, logos, intuition. L'Harmattan, Paris, Philosophy Section, 2013.
  • Paul de Tarse et le Logos, Commentaire philosophique de 1 Corinthiens, 1, 17-2, 16. L'Harmattan, Ouverture Philosophique, Paris 2014, ISBN 978-2-343-03032-6 .
  • You Logos de Plotin au Logos de Saint Jean. Vers la solution d'un métaphysique problem? Editions du Cerf, Paris 2014, ISBN 978-2-204-10311-4 .
  • Existence et Identité, Logos et technê chez Plotin , L'Harmattan, Philosophy section, Paris 2015, ISBN 978-2-343-04855-0 .
  • Du Bien et de la Crise, Platon, Parménide et Paul de Tarse , L'Harmattan, Philosophy section, 2016 ISBN 978-2-343-08612-5 .
  • Augustin, Penseur de la Raison? Lettre 120 à Consentieus, L'Harmattan, Philosophy section, 2016 ISBN 978-2-343-09931-6 .
  • You logos de Plotin au logos de saint Jean: vers la solution d'un métaphysique problem? Paris, Les Edtiions du Cerf, "Alpha", 2014; rééd. Paris, Les Editions du Cerf, "Cerf Patrimoines", 2016 ISBN 978-2-204-10967-3
  • Conversion et Spiritualités dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge L'Harmattan, Ouverture Philosophique, 2017 ( ISBN 978-2-343-12582-4 )