Midalja ghall-Qadi tar-Repubblika

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The Medal Midalja ghall-Qadi tar-Repubblika is the Maltese medal of merit established in 1975 with the Ġieħ ir-Repubblika Act .

The medal can be awarded to citizens of the Republic of Malta for outstanding service to their country. The award of the medal is not associated with a financial contribution or other privileges. A posthumous award of the medal is possible. Foreign citizens can receive the medal on an honorary basis. Individuals who have been awarded the medal are entitled to use the post-nominal M.QR after their name.


The medal is awarded by the President of the Republic on the written proposal of the Prime Minister. In practice, however, all citizens of the republic and social organizations can submit a proposal for the award. The proposals are examined and submitted to a committee whose members are appointed by the Prime Minister.

The medal can be awarded to a maximum of ten Maltese citizens and institutions in one year, the number of living bearers of the medal is limited to one hundred. The medal can be awarded to foreign citizens on an honorary basis. Allocation to foreign citizens is not subject to any numerical restriction.

The medals are awarded by the President of the Republic in a solemn investiture . The names of the individuals awarded the medal are published in the government gazette , the Government Gazette .

Medal holder (selection)

Honorary holder of the medal

Individual evidence

  1. Office of the Prime Minister, Honors and Awards (English)
  2. Office of the Prime Minister, Submit a Nomination (English)
  3. Office of the Prime Minister, Officers of the Orders and Members of the Nomination Committee (English)

Web links