Mihail Xantho

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Mihail Xantho , also Michael Xantho (born October 19, 1891 in Vienna ; † January 24, 1940 ibid) was an Austrian actor .


Xantho received his artistic training at the Academy for Music and Performing Arts in his hometown Vienna in the early 1910s . From 1916 to 1921 he can be verified as an actor at the City Theater of Zurich . At the same time, in the middle of the First World War , Mihail Xantho also made his first appearance in front of the camera in a production by the French film director Charles Decroix, interned in Switzerland . From 1922 to 1924 Xantho was engaged at Vienna's Kammerspiele and until 1926 also at the Renaissance stage in the Austrian capital. At this time he received his first major film role with Napoleon Bonaparte in Michael Kertesz 's The Young Medardus in 1923. Nevertheless, Xantho initially stayed away from the cinema and continued to concentrate on stage work. Between 1929 and 1934 he was engaged at the Volkstheater and played in productions by Karlheinz Martin , who would later bring him in front of the camera.

It was only from 1933 that cinema began to gain some importance in Mihail Xantho's life. Until a year before his death, he appeared with more or less minor supporting roles in a number of films shot in Vienna. Xantho often played people of higher respect: a hotel manager in Kleine Mutti and Die Liebe des Maharadscha , an examining magistrate in Shadows of the Past , a professor in Peter in the Snow , a police superintendent in Liebling der Sailors and, at the side of Heinz Rühmann and Hans Moser , one Lawyer in 13 chairs .

Xantho died as a result of an operation.


Web links


  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 , p. 1925 (only filmography).
  • Deutsches Theater-Lexikon, Biographical and Bibliographical Handbook, founded by Wilhelm Kosch, continued by Ingrid Bigler-Marschall; seventh volume, Berlin-Boston 2012, p. 3663

Individual evidence

  1. Date of birth according to the Vienna death register. The Vienna population register states October 31, 1891
  2. ↑ Date of death according to the Vienna death book. The German Theater Lexicon and Glenzdorf name January 25, 1940
  3. ^ Obituary in the Volks-Zeitung of January 26, 1940