Minka Govekar

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Minka Govekar (around 1910/1920)

Minka Govekar (born October 28, 1874 as Minka Vasič in Treffen (today Trebnje , Slovenia ); † April 10, 1950 in Ljubljana ) was a Yugoslav writer and women's rights activist .

life and work

Minka Govekar was trained as a primary school teacher at the teacher training college in Ljubljana . Since her marriage to the writer Fran Govekar in 1897, she has worked for numerous publications. In 1905 she became the head of the monthly Slovenska gospodinja ( The Slovenian Housewife ). She was a permanent member of the Jutro ( The Morning ) and the Slovenski Narod ( Slovenian People ) and translated from German, Croatian, Russian and Polish.

As a pioneer of the women's movement , Govekar was also active in charities.


As an author

  • Dobra gospodinja . (The good housewife.) Sloven. L. Schwentner, V Ljubljani, 1908 (signature of the ÖNB: 460249-B)
  • Slovenska žena (The Slovenian Woman), 1926
  • Conserviranje (Conservation), 1940

As a translator

  • Ruska moderna. Gorkij, Andrejew, Skitalec, Bunin, Čirikov . Prevela Minka Govekarjeva. (Russian modernism. Gorky , Andrejew , Skitalez , Bunin , Tschirikow ). sloven. - V Ljubljani, Ign. pl. Kleinmayr & Fed., Bamberg, 1905 (signature of the ÖNB: 442520-A)


  • Govekar Minka. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 2, Publishing House of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1959, p. 37 f. (Direct links on p. 37 , p. 38 ).
  • Mateja Jeraj, Minka Govekar. "Duša" Splošnega ženskega društva (Minka Govekar. The "soul" of the General Women's Association), in: Splošno žensko društvo 1901-1945. Od dobrih deklet do feministk (The General Women's Association. From Good Girls to Feminists), ed. v. Nataša Budna Kodrič and Aleksandra Serše, 2003, ISBN 961-6137-64-6 , pp. 144–154
  • Pozabljena polovica. Portreti žensk 19. in 20. stoletja na Slovenskem (The forgotten half. Portraits of women of the 19th and 20th centuries from Slovenia), ed. v. Alenka Šelih et al., 2007, ISBN 978-961-6682-01-5

Web links

Commons : Minka Govekar  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files