Miroslav Kozák

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Miroslav Kozák (born December 13, 1952 ) is a Czech and former Czechoslovak politician of the Communist Party KSČ (Komunistická strana Československa) and later the follow-up party Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM).

Kozák represented constituency No. 60 ( Liberec-Nord , Northern Bohemia ) from October 23, 1976 to June 1981 during an electoral term in the Chamber of Nations ( Sněmovna národů ) of the Federation Assembly ( Federální shromáždění ). In 1976 he became the youngest member of parliament. Věra Vacíková from South Bohemia was a little older .

Kozák became active in local politics after the Velvet Revolution and the division of the country. After the local elections from 1998 to 2010 he represented the communist KSČM as a member of the city ​​council of Nové Město pod Smrkem .

Kozák worked in various professions, among others as an electrician (1976), worker (1998), stoker (2002) and sewage plant master (2010).

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Individual evidence

  1. MEPs, letter K, 1976 (Czech, accessed November 28, 2019)
  2. a b Rudé právo of October 27, 1976, p. 3. (Copy, English: Deputies of the Federal Assembly, House of the People. Pp. 19-24. In: JPRS Report 68277. US Joint Publications Research Service. (PDF ; accessed on November 28, 2019))
  3. a b komunalnipolitika.cz: Nové Město pod Smrkem: Miroslav Kozák (Czech, accessed November 28, 2019)