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Water code DE : 273687152
location Germany
River system Rhine
Drain over Dhünn  → Wupper  → Rhine  → North Sea
source in Leverkusen - Schlebusch
51 ° 1 ′ 58 ″  N , 7 ° 5 ′ 7 ″  E
Source height approx.  123  m above sea level NN
muzzle in Leverkusen-Schlebusch in the Dhünn coordinates: 51 ° 1 '36 "  N , 7 ° 5' 5"  E 51 ° 1 '36 "  N , 7 ° 5' 5"  E
Mouth height approx.  67  m above sea level NN
Height difference approx. 56 m
Bottom slope approx. 62 ‰
length 903 m
Catchment area 38.3 ha
A Eo : 38.3 ha
at the mouth
0.64 l / s
5.06 l / s
13.2 l / (s km²)

The Mittelbuschbach is a northern tributary of the Dhünn , which has a length of almost one kilometer.



The Mittelbuschbach rises in Leverkusen - Schlebusch south of the Edelrather Weg in a small forest at an altitude of about 127  m above sea level. NN . It initially flows south through the forest. On this stretch it still has a good water structure quality (quality class 1–2). He now leaves the forest and now runs strongly straightened towards the east along the edge of the forest. After about 150 meters it changes direction by 90 degrees to the south. There the also heavily straightened Mittelbuschsiefen flows towards it. The Mittelbuschbach now flows through fields and meadows, parallel to the Im Mittelbusch path and finally flows out at an altitude of about 127  m above sea level. NN in the Dhünn .


  • Mittelbuschsiefen ( left ), 0.512 km

River system Dhünn

Individual evidence

  1. a b German basic map 1: 5000
  2. River Geographic Information System of Wupperverbandes
  3. Specialized information system ELWAS, Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection NRW ( information )
  4. Modeled discharge values according to the specialist information system ELWAS, Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection NRW ( notes )