Yoshio Mochizuki

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Yoshio Mochizuki (2014)

Yoshio Mochizuki ( Japanese 望月 義夫 , Mochizuki Yoshio ; own transcription into Latin as Mochiduki ; born May 2, 1947 in Shimizu- shi (today: Shimizu-ku , Shizuoka- shi), Shizuoka Prefecture ; † December 19, 2019 ibid) was a Japanese Politician , member of the Shūgiin , the lower house of the national parliament , for the 4th constituency of Shizuoka and from 2014 to 2015 environment minister in the reshaped Abe second and third cabinet . From 1997 onwards he was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), including today's Kishida faction .


Mochizuki, the eldest son of a greengrocer, attended Shimizu High School in Shizuoka Prefecture and then studied at the law faculty of the private Chūō University . In 1977 he was elected to the Shimizu City Parliament for the first of four terms. In 1991 he moved to the Shizuoka Prefecture Parliament for the first of two terms and was a board member of the LDP Prefectural Association. In 1996 he switched to national politics.

In the general Shūgiin election in 1996 , Mochizuki ran as an independent candidate with NFP support in the new single-mandate constituency Shizuoka 4 and prevailed against the LDP candidate Masatoshi Kurata and a communist with an absolute majority . He joined the LDP soon after his election, for which he was then clearly re-elected three times in a row. In 2001 he was parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Mori cabinet ) for a few months , and from 2002 to 2003 for the Koizumi cabinet in the Ministry of the Environment . From 2006 to 2007 ( Abe cabinet ) he was Vice Minister in the MLIT , in 2008 he took over the chairmanship of the responsible Shūgiin committee. In between he was Vice Secretary General (fuku-kanjichō) of the LDP.

In the Shūgiin election in 2009 Mochizuki lost the constituency Shizuoka 4 with 44.3% of the vote to the Democrat Kenji Tamura (54.6%) and also missed a re-election in the Tōkai proportional representation, but was there with one - in view of the whole Tōkai region poor performance of LDP candidates - comparatively narrow constituency defeat ( sekihairitsu 81.1%) the first potential successor on the LDP list. When Hideaki Ōmura resigned in January 2011 for his candidacy in the gubernatorial election in Aichi, Mochizuki returned as a successor in Shūgiin.

In 2012 , Mochizuki clearly won back his constituency. In September 2014, Shinzō Abe appointed him in a cabinet reshuffle as Environment Minister and Minister for "Nuclear Disaster Protection" to succeed Nobuteru Ishihara . In October 2015 he was replaced by Tamayo Marukawa . On December 19, 2019, Mochizuki died of liver failure at the age of 72 .

Mochizuki, like Prime Minister Abe and other cabinet and LDP party members, was close to Nippon Kaigi , who was considered revisionist .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Yomiuri Shimbun , Results of the general Shūgiin election 2009: Tōkai proportional representation
  2. 望月 義夫 氏 死去 、 72 歳 環境 相 な ど 歴 任 . In: Jiji Tsūshinsha . December 19, 2019. Retrieved December 19, 2019 (Japanese).
  3. http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2994558