Nippon Kaigi

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Nippon Kaigi
Nippon Kaigi logo.png
purpose Representation of a nationalist - conservative worldview
Chair: Tadae Takubo
Establishment date: May 30, 1997
Number of members: 40,000 (according to Asahi Shimbun )
Seat : 3-10-1 Aobadai , Meguro , Tokyo Prefecture

The Nippon Kaigi ( Japanese 日本 会議 , " Japan Conference") is a non-partisan, nationalist organization that was founded in 1997 in Japan . With around 40,000 members, the organization propagates a conservative view of the world. a. the reverence of the Japanese imperial family as well as a patriotic education policy and aims to revive the principles of the Japanese Empire .


The Nippon Kaigi was created on May 30, 1997 through the merger of the organizations Nippon o mamoru kai ( 日本 を 守 る 会 , "Conference that protects Japan") and Nippon o mamoru kokumin kaigi ( 日本 を 守 る 国民 会議 , "People's Conference, the Japan protected "). One day earlier, on the initiative of the later Prime Ministers Keizō Obuchi and Yoshirō Mori, the " Conference of Nippon Kaigi" ( 日本 会議 国会 議員 懇談 会 , Nippon kaigi kokkai giin kondankai ) with 187 other members of the National Assembly had been founded. In September 2001, the "Japan Women's Conference" ( 日本 女性 の 会 , Nippon josei no kai ) was founded, and in April 2004 the "Nippon Kaigi Business Association" ( 日本 会議 経 済 人 同志 会 , Nippon kaigi keizaijin dōshikai ) for representatives of the economy and in October 2007 the “Local Conference of Nippon Kaigi” ( 日本 会議 地方 議員 連 盟 , Nippon kaigi chihō giin renmei ) for local politicians.

Content profile


The motto of the Nippon Kaigi is hokori aru kuni zukuri o ( 誇 り あ る 国 づ く り を , something like "[For] building a country with pride"). Its policy consists of three points:

  • "We inherit the tradition and culture stemming from eternal history and strive for the formation of a healthy national spirit."
  • "We preserve the country's fame and independence and strive to build a prosperous and orderly society in which every citizen finds his or her place."
  • "We contribute to the creation of a world of coexistence and the well-being of all, in which harmony between humans and nature is guaranteed and each other's cultures are respected."

Imperial house

In the course of the succession crisis of the imperial family , the Nippon Kaigi rejects the introduction of branches with female heads ( 女性 宮 家 , josei miyake ) and thus of Tennōs whose fathers do not come from the imperial family ( 女 系 天皇 , jokei tennō ). She refers to the male line of the imperial family, which has lasted for over two thousand years. In addition, she also opposes female Tennōs ( 女性 天皇 , josei tennō ).


Since the Japanese constitution was drawn up in 1947 by the US Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers , the Nippon Kaigi sees it as a "forced constitution" ( 押 し 付 け 憲法 , oshitsuke kenpō ). She advocates a new constitution that is "based on history and tradition and does justice to the future". Among other things, she calls for the explicit recognition of the Tennō as head of state and an amendment to Article 9 to restructure the self-defense forces into an official military .


In the Japanese textbook dispute , the Nippon Kaigi represents revisionist positions and calls for a history lesson without "anti-state" representations. According to a report by the Congressional Research Service , she sees Japan's role in World War II as liberating East Asia from the colonial powers, and reports such as the Nanking massacre and the role of Japanese troops in it as exaggerated or fabricated. In this regard, she advocates official visits to the Yasukuni Shrine . She is critical of feminism , gender equality and the rights of gays and lesbians and therefore calls for the abolition of “devastating gender education”.


Of 722 members of the Japanese parliament , 289 were members of the Nippon Kaigi Conference of Representatives in autumn 2014. Its chairman (kaichō) was Takeo Hiranuma in February 2015 . Prime Ministers Shinzō Abe and Tarō Asō are special advisers. Members of the Nippon Kaigi, who are also MPs, belong to the Liberal Democratic Party , the Nippon Ishin no Kai and the People's Democratic Party .

In the fourth Abe cabinet, which ruled for the first time until September 2019, the following ministers were members of the Nippon Kaigi (as of July 2019):


  • Glenn D Hook; Gavan McCormack (2001), Japan's Contested Constitution: Documents and Analysis , London; New York: Routledge
  • Naoko Shimazu (2006). Nationalism in Japan , London; New York: Routledge
  • Shibuichi Daiki; Japan Conference (Nippon Kaigi): an Elusive Conglomerate; East Asia, Vol. 34 (2017), No. 3, pp. 1-18
  • Tawara Yoshifumi; What is the Aim of Nippon Kaigi, the Ultra-Right Organization that Supports Japan's Abe Administration ?; Japan Focus, Volume 15 (2017), Issue 21, Number 1 ( full text )
  • Tawara Yoshifumi; 日本 会議 の 全貌: 知 ら れ ざ る 巨大 組織 の 実 態 [ Nippon Kaigi no Zenbō! Shirarezaru Kyodai Soshiki no Jittai ]; T. 2016 (Kadensha); ISBN 9784763407818
  • Yamaguchi Tomomi; in: Shūkan Kin'yōbi, Narusawa Mueno ed., Nippon Kaigi to Jinja Honchō: Tokyo 2016 (Kinyobi); ISBN 9784865720105

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 2017-10-12 朝日 新聞 朝 刊 (Japanese), accessed July 2, 2019
  2. ^ Abe Cabinet - An Ideological Breakdown ( October 30, 2013 memento in the Internet Archive ), The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Jan. 28, 2013
  3. ^ Christian G. Winkler (2011). The quest for Japan's new constitution : an analysis of visions and constitutional reform proposals, 1980–2009, London; New York: Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-59396-0 , page 75
  4. Jennifer Ellen Robertson, Politics and Pitfalls of Japan Ethnography, Routledge Chapman & Hall, ISBN 0-415-48649-1 , 66
  5. ^ N. Onishi - New York Times, December 17, 2006, Japan Rightists Fan Fury Over North Korea Abductions ( Memento of March 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  6. a b - 国民 運動 の 歩 み (Japanese), accessed July 2, 2019
  7. - 綱領 (Japanese), accessed July 2, 2019
  8. 「女性 宮 家」 創設 に 反 対 日本 会議 国会 議員 懇談 会 が 方針 . In: Asahi Shimbun . June 20, 2019. Retrieved July 2, 2019 (Japanese).
  9. rightist ministers make up 80% of Abe Cabinet , Japan Press WeeklyJanuary 5, 2012
  11. Japan-US Relations: Issues for Congress
  12. Politics and pitfalls of Japan Ethnography, "Routledge, 66
  13. Norihiro Kato, The New York Times, September 12, 2014
  14. Nippon Kaigi: 2/26 日本 会議 国会 議員 懇談 会 27 年度 総 会 が 開 催 さ る
  15. (日本 会議 研究) 憲法 編 : 上 改 憲 へ 、 安 倍 政 権 と 蜜月 . In: Asahi Shimbun. March 23, 2016, Retrieved June 26, 2016 (Japanese).
  16. a b c d e f g h i j k Yoshifumi Tawara: Nippon kaigi no zenbō . Kadensha 2016
  17. a b c - Abe's reshuffle promotes right-wingers , accessed July 2, 2019