Mohammad-Mehdi Akhoundzadeh

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from left: Ali Laridschani , interpreter, Mohammad-Mehdi Akhoundzadeh (at the window), waitress, Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Mohammad-Mehdi Akhoundzadeh Basti (also listen to Mohammad-Mehdi Naseri Achundsade ? / I ; * 1955 in Rasht ) is a diplomat and was the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Germany. He is currently Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister, responsible for legal and international affairs. Audio file / audio sample


Akhoundzadeh graduated in India, according to other sources, he received a bachelor's degree in Bangladesh. From 1981 he worked for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, for example as Chargé d'affaires of the Islamic Republic of Iran in New Delhi (India). Akhoundzadeh was then ambassador to Dhaka ( Bangladesh ) and later worked in London for two years .

After returning to Tehran, Akhoundzadeh spent seven years in the Foreign Ministry in Tehran at the Center for European Studies and was responsible for

  • International professional and business organizations as well
  • International politics .

In 1993 Akhoundzadeh was appointed ambassador to Islamabad ( Pakistan ), and in 1998 he was advisor to the then Foreign Minister Kamal Charrazi on international issues. In 2003 Akhoundzadeh moved to the Department of International Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran, for which he was on numerous trips abroad. Before Akhoundzadeh became his country's ambassador in Berlin for two years in 2005, he was permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna . After serving as ambassador to Germany, he was appointed Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran in the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad .

Involved in the murder of Kazem Rajavi

The US government refused a visa to the diplomat and Deputy Secretary of State Akhoundzadeh in 2010. According to information from the Iranfocus intelligence service, the American government accuses him of involvement in the assassination of the first post-revolutionary ambassador to Iran at UN headquarters, Kazem Rajavi , in Geneva on April 24, 1990. A Swiss court confirmed this in its documents. The murder victim Rajavi had also campaigned for human rights as a lawyer and resigned as an ambassador in protest against executions, arbitrary arrests and torture by the mullah regime in Tehran.


Mohammad-Mehdi Akhoundzadeh is married and has two children. Akhoundzadeh speaks Farsi and English .

supporting documents

  1. ^ Diplomatic magazine . With information for the consular corps in Germany. Edition 2006, Issue 5, Series: New Ambassadors
  2. (PDF; 1.1 MB) UNITED NATIONS: CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES Fifteenth session Copenhagen, 7–18 December 2009 (page 109), accessed on March 10, 2012
  3. a b c d e, May 23, 2010: Exclusive: Profile of an assassin-turned-diplomat