Moher Tower

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Moher Tower
The ruins of Moher Tower

The ruins of Moher Tower

Alternative name (s): Túr to Mhothair, Mothar Uí Ruis, Mothar Uí Ruidhin
Creation time : 1808
Castle type : Watchtower
Conservation status: ruin
Standing position : British Royalty
Construction: Quarry stone with ashlar on the corners
Place: Hag's Head
Geographical location 52 ° 56 '55.1 "  N , 9 ° 28' 4.1"  W Coordinates: 52 ° 56 '55.1 "  N , 9 ° 28' 4.1"  W.
Height: 82  m ASL
Moher Tower (Ireland)
Moher Tower

Moher Tower ( Irish Túr an Mhothair ; historically Mothar Uí Ruis or Mothar Uí Ruidhin ) is the stone ruin of a watchtower on Hag's Head ( Ceann Caillí ) at the southern end of the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland .


The current tower stands near an earlier fortress called Moher or Mothar (Irish Lios an Mhothair ), a Promontory Fort . This earlier fortress stood until at least 1780 and is mentioned in John Lloyd's Short Tour of Clare report of 1780. This former fortress was demolished in 1808 to obtain building material for the new telegraph tower. This was built nearby as a guard and signal tower in the coalition wars (1803-1815). Similar towers were erected along the Atlantic coast to counter fears of an invasion by French landing forces under Napoleon .

Construction and use

The building is a single tower with an almost square floor plan and two crowd watch towers at the two front corners, facing the Atlantic . Originally, at least two open chimneys seem to have been installed and the roof made of stacked stones has almost completely collapsed today. The roof itself has a short parapet , which was probably more of a protection against falling than a defense system.

In the summer, many jackdaws and similar birds native to the area occupy the tower ruins. Sometimes the tower also serves as a refuge for visitors to the Cliffs of Moher, who are caught by a storm on the south cliff path that is blowing from the Atlantic.

Gallery images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Thomas Johnson Westropp: Archeology of the Burren: Prehistoric Forts and Dolmens in North Clare . In: Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Vol. Xxxv . 1905. Retrieved June 19, 2018.
  2. ^ John Lloyd: Lloyd's Tour of Clare: Burren, Mohar, Liscanor Bay . Clare Library. 1780. Retrieved June 19, 2018.
  3. Eamonn Kelly: The Cliffs of Moher . Matthew Kelly, 2009. ISBN 0-9561746-0-4 .

Web links

Commons : Moher Tower  - collection of images, videos and audio files