Mona Klare

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Mona Klare (born March 22, 1966 in Hamburg ) is a German actress and trained systemic coach.

After graduating from high school, Mona Klare trained as a foreign trade clerk and then worked as a copywriter in an advertising agency. At the same time she attended courses in singing, dance and acting at the Hamburg Stage School . She also played in Hamburg theaters.


In 1996 she got her first TV role in the film "Borrowed Luck" at the side of Uwe Ochsenknecht . Despite various television roles, Klare always remained loyal to the theater. She was particularly fond of improvisational theater . She herself says about it: “The audience in the stalls gives the theme of the play, and then you have to get started. After that it doesn't always rain red roses, but sometimes also wet sponges. This is the toughest training ever ”.

When she applied to “ Gute Zeiten, Bad Zeiten ”, she was initially rejected because of her great resemblance to Maren Thurm . However, this similarity earned her the role of Barbara Graf (previously portrayed by Thurm) in 1999 . She played this role consistently until 2000, then took a two-year hiatus and finally came back to the series for two months in 2002. From 2010 to 2011 Klare played the leading female role in the ARD series Rote Rosen as Gesa Matthiessen .

Since 2004 she has been running an agency for directors and photographers, managing artists and advising the self-employed.

Since 2011 she has been a listed consultant for the KfW start-up coaching program in Germany and works in her own practice as a coach and consultant for professional and personal development.



  • Everyone , Berlin Cathedral
  • Beloved Aphrodite , Kassandra, Ellie, Carolyn, Tribüne Berlin
  • Stiff Brise Tour (improv theater based on Keith Johnstone)
  • The kidnapping as Gertrud , Hamburger Hofbühne
  • The learned women as Armande , Hamburger Hofbühne
  • As You Like It as Celia , Hamburger Hofbühne

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