Moon-spotted floret

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Moon-spotted floret
Eupithecia centaureata 01 (HS) .jpg

Moon-spotted moth ( Eupithecia centaureata )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Larentiinae
Genre : Eupithecia
Type : Moon-spotted floret
Scientific name
Eupithecia centaureata
( Denis & Schiffermüller , 1775)
Moon-spotted floret

The Mondfleckige Pug ( Eupithecia centaureata ) is a moth from the family of the tensioner (Geometridae).



The moths have a wingspan of 15 to 24 mm. The basic color of the fore wings is white, gray-white to slightly brownish-white. The front edge is often dark in color, but mostly interrupted by white areas. Often the leading edge only shows a few darker spots. A large, dark spot in the middle of the forewing and often a slightly lighter spot on the front edge of the forewing is very prominent. Four jagged transverse lines are also more or less clear. The terminal transverse line can often be white and be accompanied by a brown shadow. The hind wings also show jagged transverse lines, which are often traced in brown. The rear edge is often colored dark.


The egg is initially whitish when it is laid and then turns yellowish later. The surface has a pit pattern.


The caterpillars are relatively long and whitish, yellowish to greenish. The back line is red or green, sometimes interrupted. The side stripes are colored accordingly and are also frequently interrupted.


The brownish pupa is relatively short. The cremaster is wide, and the short tip has 8 fine bristles.

Way of life

The species flies in Central Europe usually in two generations from mid-April to June and from July to September, but regionally somewhat different. Only one generation is formed in the north of the distribution area and in cooler areas. In the south of the range, the moths fly in several generations throughout the year. The moths fly at dusk and at night and are attracted to the light. They suck nectar from flowers. The caterpillars are polyphagous (over 50 species), e.g. B. on the flowers of the seaweed ( Lobularia maritima ), the raspberry ( Rubus idaeus ), the common St. John's wort , ( Hypericum perforatum ), the little beagle ( Pimpinella saxifraga ), the field bindweed ( Convolvulus arvensis ), hogweed ( Heracleum sphondylium ), meadow sage ( Salvia pratensis ), oregano ( Origanum vulgare ), real goldenrod ( Solidago virgaurea ) and the meadow knapweed ( Centaurea jacea ). They feed on the inflorescences and seeds of the food plants. The second generation pupae overwinter.


The species occurs in light forests, on forest edges, in gardens and parks, but also on sunny, semi-arid slopes and juniper heaths . In Central Europe it has been found in the low mountain ranges up to about 900 m, in the Alps up to 1500 m.


The species is distributed all over Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor to Syria, Lebanon and Israel. It occurs in the north to southern Scandinavia and around the Baltic Sea. In the east the distribution area extends over the Baltic States, Ukraine, Russia, the Caucasus region, over Siberia to the Amur region.



  • Arno Bergmann: The large butterflies of Central Germany. Volume 5/1: Spanner. Distribution, forms and communities. Urania-Verlag, Jena 1955, DNB 450378403 .
  • Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 5: Spanner. (Geometridae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-440-04951-5 .
  • Günter Ebert (Ed.): The butterflies of Baden-Württemberg . Volume 9: Moths . VII: (Special part: Geometridae (continuation and conclusion) ). Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-8001-3279-6 .
  • Manfred Koch , Eduard Schütze: We determine butterflies. Volume 4: Spanner of Germany. Neumann, Radebeul / Berlin 1961, DNB 452481945 .
  • Vladimir Mironov: The Geometrid Moths of Europe . 4. Larentiinae II. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2004, ISBN 8-788-75740-4 .

Web links

Commons : Mondfleckiger Flütenspanner  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files