Monocle coral guardian

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Monocle coral guardian
Monocle coral guardian (Paracirrhites arcatus)

Monocle coral guardian ( Paracirrhites arcatus )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Sunfish-like (Centrarchiformes)
Subordination : Munchbacks (Cirrhitioidei)
Family : Munchbacks (Cirrhitidae)
Genre : Paracirrhites
Type : Monocle coral guardian
Scientific name
Paracirrhites arcatus
Cuvier , 1829

The monocle coral guardian or eye-bow tufted perch ( Paracirrhites arcatus ) is a tropical fish of the family of tufted perch (Cirrhitidae) and thus belongs to the perch relatives (Percomorphaceae).


You can always recognize monocle coral guardians by the typical, two-tone arch behind the eye. Usually it also has a white stripe at the top of the back of the body. Its basic color is red-brown, olive or white. The fish are 14 to 20 cm long.


Monocle coral guardians are found in the tropical Indo-Pacific , from East Africa to Japan , Hawaii and New Caledonia .

Way of life

Monocle coral guardians linger on their thickened pectoral fin rays on the outer ends of hard corals of the genera Acropora , Pocillopora and Stylophora , where they await their prey consisting of small fish and crustaceans .


  • Joachim Freshness: Care and spawning behavior of Paracirrhites arcatus, in DATZ 6/93

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