Murder hole

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Murder hole

Around 40 meters behind the entrance

Around 40 meters behind the entrance

Location: Swabian Alb , Baden-Württemberg , Geislingen an der Steige
Height : 514  m above sea level NN
48 ° 39 '51.1 "  N , 9 ° 53' 39.8"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 39 '51.1 "  N , 9 ° 53' 39.8"  E
Murder Hole (Baden-Württemberg)
Murder hole
Cadastral number: 7325/01
Type: Limestone cave, active water cave
Overall length: 4382 m

The Mordloch is a water-bearing cave - in technical terms: an active vadose cave - in the Roggental near Steinenkirch , a district of Böhmenkirch in Baden-Württemberg . With currently proven 4,382 meters, the cave ranks 18th among the caves in Germany and 4th among Baden-Württemberg caves in terms of total length. The emerging water flows over the Mühlbach, which flows parallel to it in its floodplain, after about one kilometer at the Obere Roggenmühle in the Eyb .

The front area of ​​the cave can be entered with simple equipment , but diving equipment is required from the first siphon after 80 meters. As with all active water caves, driving into it is very dangerous and should only be undertaken by experienced cave walkers.


The legend of the Eybach castle forester entwines around the murder hole. He is said to have been murdered by poachers and his body hidden in the cave, where the forester's loyal dog found it after a long search. The murderer later had a fatal accident on the Ravensteiner Felsen and confessed to the murder before his own death.

  • 1800: Publication of the first inspection report
  • 1883: The two millers in Roggental have the mouth of the spring widened in order to be able to better use the draining water.
  • July 11, 1959: Manfred Keller dips the first siphon with a compressed air device for the first time.
  • 1959–1965: Research by the cave research group Eschenbach / Göppingen
  • 1964/1965: Jochen Hasenmayer and Alexander Wunsch dive through the end syphons
  • February 4-7, 1977: Four scuba divers are trapped in the cave by sudden flood. The cave is known nationwide due to the dramatic rescue operation.
  • 1986: The cave research groups Stuttgart, Kirchheim and Ostalb explore several side passages and measure the cave at 4,320 meters.



  • Hans Binder , Herbert Jantschke: Cave guide Swabian Alb. Caves - springs - waterfalls . 7th completely revised edition. DRW-Verlag, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2003, ISBN 3-87181-485-7 , p. 62-63 .

Web links

Commons : murder hole  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Currently known length according to T. Müller & A. Wolf: The longest and deepest caves in Germany . Website of the Arge Höhle & Karst Grabenstetten. As of January 2010, accessed on February 6, 2010.
  2. ↑ Course of the stream in the floodplain according to the river map 1: 10,000 of the LUBW on the Geoportal Baden-Württemberg ( information ) as well as the topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg north, in the single sheet No. 7325.