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Prince Morikuni ( Japanese 守 邦 親王 , Morikuni-shinnō ; * 1301 ; † 1333 ) ruled from June 19, 1308 to September 25, 1333 as the 9th and last of the shoguns of the Kamakura shogunate in Japan .

He was the son of the 8th Shogun, Prince Hisaaki , and was a grandson of Go-Fukakusa - tennō . He was a puppet and had little power himself. After the collapse of the Kamakura shogunate, he became a Buddhist priest and died shortly afterwards.

Individual evidence

  1. 守 邦 親王 . In: ブ リ タ ニ カ 国際 大 百科 事 典 小 項目 事 典 at Retrieved November 21, 2014 (Japanese).