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Mousos ( ancient Greek Μοῦσος ) was a Greek sculptor of an indefinite period.

He is only known from the report of Pausanias , according to which there was a bronze statue of Zeus made by him in the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia . The statue stood on a pedestal also made of bronze next to the double altar of Zeus Laoitas and Poseidon Laoitas. To the east of the Temple of Zeus , where the altar is said to have been, a foundation has been excavated, which could be the foundation of the statue.

Apart from Pausanias, the name Mousos can only be found in an inscription from Sikyon , which is seen as an indication of the origin of Mousas from this city, which is known for its bronze sculptors.



  1. ^ Pausanias 5:24 , 1.
  2. L. Less: The monthly sacrifice in Olympia. II. The procession . In: Klio 14/4 (1915), pp. 398-446.
  3. ^ Inscriptiones Graecae IV 425.
  4. Johannes Bauer: Mousos , In: Künstlerlexikon antiquity , S. 530th