Lucius Papirius Mugillanus

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Lucius Papirius Mugillanus came from the Roman noble family of Papirians and was 444 BC. Chr. Suffect consul and 443 BC One of the first two censors . Probably a son of the same name of Mugillanus was 427 BC. Chr. Consul , 422 BC Chr. Consular tribune and 420 BC Chr. Interrex .


In 444 BC First three patrician consular tribunes and after their abdication Lucius Papirius Mugillanus and Lucius Sempronius Atratinus are said to have officiated as consuls. The reason for the resignation of the consular tribunes after three months in office was due to religious concerns. According to the Roman historian Titus Livius , the oldest annals for the year 444 BC Chr. Only the names of the consular tribunes are recorded, but not those of the consuls, so that according to these testimonies it would have been assumed that the consular tribunes would have performed their function all year round. It was not until the annalist Gaius Licinius Macer included the names of the consuls in his (not preserved) work, referring to a contract between the Romans and the city of Ardea and the lists of magistrates of the Libri lintei . The historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus also found only the consular tribunes in some sources, only the consuls in others, and also cites the treaty with Ardea as evidence for the latter. The Greek-Sicilian historian Diodorus , who used one of the oldest annalists as a source for his account of the early Roman Republic, and probably also the Fasti Capitolini name only the three consular tribunes accordingly.

The next year 443 BC According to Livy, the office of censorship was created anew. Since supposedly the most distinguished Romans did not want to become censors, the consuls of the previous year, Mugillanus and Atratinus, took over this function, also as compensation for the fact that they could not have held their consulate for the entire period. The tradition that Mugillanus and Atratinus 443 BC The ancient historians Friedrich Münzer and Alfred Klotz consider it to be credible.

Probably not the so far treated Mugillanus, but a son of the same name dressed in 427 BC. The consulate together with a Gaius Servilius (whose cognomen is not uniformly named in the various sources). Probably the same Mugillanus then acted in 422 BC. As one of three consular tribunes and allegedly 420 BC. As Interrex. In the last-mentioned function, with reference to foreign dangers, he is said to have achieved the settlement of a domestic political dispute between the patricians and plebeians over the election of the highest magistrates by reaching a compromise that was satisfactory to all sides. Accordingly, on the one hand, the patricians agreed that consuls and consular tribunes should not be elected, and on the other hand, the people's tribunes waived further intercessions against the admission that the number of quaestors was doubled to four, but that they could be elected indiscriminately from the plebeians and patricians . The newly appointed consular tribunes were then all patricians.

430 and 418 BC In each case a censor named Lucius Papirius officiated , but his cognomen is not given for either of these two years. Therefore, the possible identification of these two censors with one of the likely two people (father and son) named Lucius Papirius Mugillanus is quite uncertain. Apparently even the ancient editors of the Lenten had no clear idea of ​​this. The fact that a paper egg appears three times among the first four pairs of censors suggests that the censor lists were at least partially forged.

Another Lucius Papirius Mugillanus could be in 389 and 380 BC. Chr. Consular tribune.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Vol. 1: 509 BC - 100 BC Cleveland / Ohio: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1951. Reprinted unchanged 1968. (Philological Monographs. Ed. By the American Philological Association. Vol. 15, Part 1), pp. 53f
  2. Livy 4, 7, 1–3 and 4, 7, 7–12; Dionysios 11, 61, 1-62, 4; also Marcus Tullius Cicero , epistulae ad familiares 9, 21, 2.
  3. Diodorus 11, 32, 1.
  4. Livy 4: 8, 7; Cicero, epistulae ad familiares 9, 21, 2.
  5. Friedrich Münzer : Papirius 65. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume XVIII, 3, Stuttgart 1949, Sp. 1065-1068, here Sp. 1066.
  6. ^ Alfred Klotz : On the history of the Roman censorship. In: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie , Vol. NF 88 (1939), pp. 27–36 ( PDF; 2.3 MB ) (argues on pp. 32–36 against the historicity of the consulate and for that of the censorship).
  7. Diodorus 12, 78, 1; Livy 4:30, 12; among others
  8. Livy 4:42, 2; Fasti Capitolini (only one of the names of the three consular tribunes has survived : … Mugillan… ).
  9. Livy 4, 43, 9-12.
  10. Cicero, de re publica 2, 60 (testimony for the censor Lucius Papirius of the year 430 BC); Fasti Capitolini (for those of 418 BC).
  11. Friedrich Münzer : Papirius 65. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume XVIII, 3, Stuttgart 1949, Sp. 1065-1068, here Sp. 1067 f. with further guesswork to identify the censors.
  12. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Papirius 66. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume XVIII, 3, Stuttgart 1949, Col. 1068 f.
