Mulanje (Malawi)

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Mulanje (Malawi)
Coordinates 16 ° 1 ′  S , 35 ° 30 ′  E Coordinates: 16 ° 1 ′  S , 35 ° 30 ′  E
Basic data
Country Malawi


Southern region
District Mulanje
surface -
Metropolitan area 2056 km²
Residents 14,782 (2018)
Metropolitan area 428,322
density -Template: Infobox location / maintenance / density
Metropolitan area 208.3  Ew. / km²

Mulanje is a city with 14,274 inhabitants (2018) in the southeast of Malawi at the foot of the Mulanje mountain range of the same name on the border with Mozambique . It is the capital of the Mulanje district of the same name, which has an area of ​​2056 km² and a population of 428,322.


The city lives from tea cultivation and processing. Large areas of the mountain range under the steep walls of the Mulanje massif are used exclusively for the cultivation of this product. The possible cultivation areas are fully used. The plantation economy, which is balanced in Blantyre , leaves no profit in the district and small farmers hardly any room. They have to be content with wages for seasonal work. With Chiradzulu and Kasungu , the Mulanje district shares the lowest ranks of food security in the country for various reasons. The lowest economic growth rates in Malawi from 1997 to 1998 are concentrated in poor and overpopulated districts in the south such as Chiradzulu (1.4%), Phalombe (1.5%), Mulanje (1.6%) and Thyolo, which is also rich in tea plantations (1.7%).

The mining of the bauxite deposits with an aluminum oxide content of around 30% on the Lichenya Plateau is still under discussion, which would create numerous jobs. This will require an investment of almost a billion US dollars. Four other, less productive occurrences are also present.


Mulanje has a mission hospital with 182 beds, elementary and secondary schools, the Hotel Kara O Mula and a golf club with a small swimming pool. The main road will be paved in 2006 and new bridges will be built. There are few shops that are exclusively geared towards local needs.

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