Mother tongue (association)

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The mother tongue association is the largest and oldest German language association in Austria . It is based in Vienna and publishes the Wiener Sprachblätter - quarterly journal for good German and occidental language culture .


In 1885 was after a call Herman bolt of Hermann fertilizer of the General German Language Association (ADSV) in Braunschweig founded. As early as December 17, 1886, the "Vienna Branch" of the ADSV was founded in Vienna, which developed into one of the largest language associations. On November 19, 1940, however, a decree by Hitler effectively put an end to the ADSV because the association's work was severely restricted. The Vienna branch of the ADSV then began to disband.

In 1948, former members of the Vienna branch decided to found an independent association. On November 23, 1949, after a speech by the former publisher of the Wiener Sprachblätter founded in 1931 , the principal school director Konrad Richter, the association "Mutterssprache" was founded. The first chairman was Karl Tekusch , the last chairman of the Vienna branch of the General German Language Association (1936–1943). The association grew rapidly and is now the largest language association in Austria.

In 2002, the association handed over 7,347 signatures against " Denglisch " to the Austrian FPÖ member of the National Council, Gerhard Kurzmann, and a petition that the member brought to the parliament's petitions committee.

Goals of the association

The goals of the association are (like the General German Language Association in 1885): “ To cultivate the peculiar nature of the German language , to awaken love and understanding for the mother tongue , to enliven the sense of beauty and purity. We emphasize the position on the foreign word : No foreign word for that which can be expressed well in German. ”An advocacy of the association from 1968 (Erwin Mehl: Association mother tongue, goal and path ) names (in this order) the goals“ understanding, love and Maintenance of the German language in the areas of writing (image), spelling, vocabulary and word structure ”.

In addition, the association prefers traditional spelling .

The following goals are mentioned on the club magazine's website:

  • Combating unnecessary foreign words
  • Language criticism
  • Promoting language awareness
  • Expression of criticism of the spelling reform
  • Care of the dialect
  • Maintenance of the German scripts

Links to other organizations

The association maintains contacts with other language maintenance associations, u. a. by the umbrella organization "Netzwerk Deutsche Sprache".

According to the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW), the association has contacts to organizations such as the Austrian Landsmannschaft or the Working Group for Democratic Politics , which, according to the DÖW, are right-wing extremists .


  • 1949–1954 Karl Tekusch (1890–1977)
  • 1954–1984 Erwin Mehl (1890–1984)
  • 1984–1987 Fritz Heinrich (1905–1994)
  • 1987–2000 Stefan Micko (1932–2011)
  • 2000–2007 Heinz Dieter Pohl (1942), currently deputy chairman
  • 2007-2014 Franz Rader
  • since 2014 Dieter Schöfnagel


  • Hans Fuchs: 50 years of the "Mother tongue" association in Vienna. In: Wiener Sprachblätter 49th year, part 1 [foundation]: Heft 1, March 1999, p. 6; Part 2 [ Wiener Sprachblätter , Karl Tekusch and Erwin Mehl]: Heft 2, June 1999, pp. 42–45; Part 3 [Fritz Heinrich]: Issue 3, September 1999, pp. 92-93; Part 4 [Stefan Micko]: Issue 4, December 1999, p. 132.
  • Falco Pfalzgraf: The 'Mother Language' Association Vienna chaired by Karl Tekusch and Erwin Mehl (1949–1984) . Heidelberg: Winter, 2019. ISBN 978-3-8253-6935-4 .
  • Falco Pfalzgraf: Karl Tekusch as a language tutor. His role in Viennese language associations in the 20th century . Bremen: Hempen, 2016 (Greifswald contributions to linguistics 10.)
  • Heinz Dieter Pohl : Language maintenance today. Lecture on April 7, 2000 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Wiener Sprachblätter and the association "Mutterssprache", in: Wiener Sprachblätter 50th year, issue 2, June 2000, pp. 70–73.

Web links


  1. ^ In their standard work Die Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache. Prehistory, history and work of a German language association . (Contributions to Linguistics 28, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Vienna: Lang, 2004) stated Silke Wiechers that one cannot speak of a forced dissolution of the ADSV and "that such a stylization into a victim role is not appropriate. " (ibid., p. 58.) Numerous branch associations were active until the end of the war and even afterwards. (ibid., p. 56 ff.)
  2. Hans Fuchs: 50 years of the "Mutterssprache" association in Vienna. In: Wiener Sprachblätter 49th volume, issue 1, March 1999, p. 6
  3. Gottfried Fischer: From the editors, in: Wiener Sprachblätter 2/2002, page 71
  4. ( Memento from March 23, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism, 2nd edition, Vienna 1996, p. 118 and p. 192
  6. ^ Association mother tongue close to right-wing extremism , article by Kurier from April 12, 2013