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Pannonian oil beetle (Mylabris pannonica)

Pannonian oil beetle ( Mylabris pannonica )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Superfamily : Tenebrionoidea
Family : Oil beetle (Meloidae)
Genre : Mylabris
Scientific name
Fabricius , 1775

Mylabris is a genus of beetles from the family of the oil beetles and subfamily Meloinae with a distribution center in the Mediterranean area . 52 species are known in Europe, 17 of them on the Iberian Peninsula alone. In Central Europe there are still five species, especially in the Pannonian region.

Four-point oil beetle ( Mylabris quadripunctata )


The beetles have red or brownish yellow wings with black spots or bands. Despite the large aberration spectra of the species, they can be distinguished from one another by the drawing of the wings. Like many oil beetles, they have a strong blistering poison ( cantharidin ).

Way of life

Their life cycle is very complex. As a larva , they feed on eggs and larvae of various grasshoppers.


There are six known sub-genera in Europe:

  • Chalcabris
  • Eumylabris
  • Mesosulcata
  • Micrabris
  • Mylabris s. st.
  • Zitunabris

Known species in Central Europe:

Individual evidence

  1. a b Fauna Europaea: Mylabris Fabricius 1775
  2. Fauna Ibérica: Fam.MeloidaeGyllenhal, 1810
  3. Michael Chinery: Parey's Book of Insects. Kosmos Nature Guide 2009.


Web links

Commons : Mylabris  - collection of images, videos and audio files