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Myrmekides from Miletus or Athens ( Greek  Μυρμηκίδες ) was an ancient Greek artist of unknown time.

Myrmekides is only known from ancient tradition, where he is usually mentioned together with Kallikrates . Both artists were masters of the art of making miniature sculptures of the smallest dimensions, known as microtechnology in ancient times ( Greek  μικροτεχνία ). The materials of her work are not listed in the sources or are listed very differently in the sources: ivory, marble or metal. Athenaios counts her to the most famous goal slides . According to Pliny , Myrmekides and Kallikrates created a tiny four-teamincluding handlebars as a collaborative effort that could be covered by the wings of a mosquito. He is also said to have created a ship that could be covered by the wing of a bee. According to the scholias of Dionysius Thrax ' ars grammatica , the mosquito pulled the metal cart, according to other sources a fly. Also Theodoros of Samos is attributed to such work. The relationship between Myrmekides and Kallikrates is unclear; it is possible that they were in direct competition with one another. Her works cannot always be clearly separated from each other and can only be ascribed to one artist. Both are attributed to ants that were so small that the naked eye could no longer see the individual limbs. It is also said that both of them engraved verses of Homer on a sesame seed . Myrmekide's attributable works have not survived.

