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Subclass : Neuflosser (Neopterygii)
Subclass : Real bony fish (Teleostei)
Cohort : Elopomorpha
Order : Eel-like (Anguilliformes)
Family : Myrocongridae
Genre : Myroconger
Scientific name of the  family
Gill , 1890
Scientific name of the  genus
Günther , 1870

Myroconger is a genus of the eel-like (Anguilliformes). It stands alone in the monotypic family Myrocongridae.

The animals have a heavily compressed body, small gill openings and an incomplete lateral line organ . They become 36 to 54 centimeters long.

Four of the five species were not discovered until the 1990s or 2006. Only a few specimens of the family have been caught so far. The fish were found in the Atlantic near St. Helena and off the coast of Senegal , possibly also near São Tomé and Príncipe , in the Indian Ocean near the Seychelles , and in the Pacific near New Caledonia on the underwater mountain Kaiyo Maru , on the ridge between Kyushu and Palau and in the eastern Pacific. They live at depths of 50 to 650 meters. The exact habitat is unknown.



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