Myron Metzenbaum

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Myron Metzenbaum (born April 1, 1876 in Cleveland , Ohio - † January 25, 1944 ) was an American surgeon .


Metzenbaum attended Adelbert College and the Case School of Applied Science . After a bachelor's degree from Ada University , he received his medical doctorate from Case Western Reserve University in 1900. He specialized in ear, nose and throat medicine and was an authority on reconstructive surgery . He worked at St. Alexis Hospital , later at Mt. Sinai Medical Center and St. Luke Hospital, and taught physicians and surgeons at Cleveland College .

Metzenbaum designed the Metzenbaum scissors for operations , which were named after him and are still used today.

In 1912 Metzenbaum married Elsa Puldheim, the couple had two children. He was the uncle of US Senator Howard Metzenbaum .


  • Radium: radioactive substances and aluminum, with experimental research of the same. Babbitt & Crummell, 1904



Individual evidence

  1. ^ The Senate without Senator Metzenbaum . Congressional Record Volume 141, Number 40, March 3, 1995