NDR Info (TV broadcast)

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Television broadcast
German title NDR Info (since 2019)

NDR Aktuell (2008–2019)
News in the North (2006–2007)

The! Currently (until 2006)
NDR Info Logo 2019.svg
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) since 2001
Northern German Radio
length 15-25 minutes
Monday to Friday
genre news
First broadcast December 5, 2001 on NDR television

NDR Info (formerly: NDR Aktuell ) is a news program on NDR television . The program is broadcast Monday to Friday at 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 9:45 p.m., at 4:00 p.m. with a length of 20 minutes and the remaining issues with a length of 15 minutes. The afternoon editions are produced on the premises of NDR television in Hamburg-Lokstedt, while the late edition is broadcast from the Lower Saxony State Broadcasting House in Hanover.

Development of the program

Daily news started at N3 within the program N3 from 4 (start of broadcast 1999), which ran around 5:30 p.m. There they ran simply under the title News and were read directly from the same studio by a news anchor. Then within Das! in the afternoon entitled That! Current and later within the afternoon programs Das! from 2 and that! from 4. That! The current broadcast was Monday to Friday at 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 5:50 p.m. After the Das! Broadcasts were discontinued in the afternoon, the news was continued as independent broadcasts under the name Neues im Norden (14:00 and 16:30). Under the name N3 aktuell and from 2001 NDR Aktuell , however, a weekly magazine and isolated special programs ( NDR Aktuell Extra ) were broadcast. After the weekly magazine was discontinued, the special programs were broadcast as NDR Aktuell. After the news was renamed NDR Aktuell, the special programs were renamed NDR Aktuell Extra . The news was renamed from Neues im Norden to NDR Aktuell in January 2008. The logo and design of the old NDR Aktuell were adopted.

In order to create a uniform, cross-media umbrella brand for the NDR news, the television program was renamed NDR Info on November 4, 2019, based on the info radio station . At the same time, a new studio setting was set up and a new theme song and a new app were introduced.

In addition, the NDR editorial team in Hamburg currently produces several compact editions with North German news in 100 seconds on working days. These programs are broadcast at 11:28 a.m., 12:13 p.m. and 12:58 p.m. on NDR television and on the Internet, and two issues around 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. are only broadcast on the Internet.

The contents of the program are news, reports and reports from Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein. It is often attempted to establish a connection between current news topics from all over the world and the broadcast area. As part of a news overview, events outside of the transmission area are also discussed.

Until September 5, 2016, the afternoon editions were broadcast at 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. (both 15 minutes) and 4:00 p.m. (10 minutes).

The previous NDR news broadcast for the entire broadcast area was broadcast under the name Reports from the Day within the Nordschau; In the self-portrayal of the ARD, both programs are directly related to each other. The reports from the day were broadcast on the first in the local versions of the NDR.

In addition, in the 1970s and 1980s, the last messages that were read by a moderator were broadcast before the broadcast closed around midnight .


Afternoon editions

Late edition

Moderator Started
Thomas Kausch 2011 Main presenter
Ellen Frauenknecht 2011 Main presenter
Julia-Niharika Sen representative

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ralf Pleßmann: Current reports and background information: "NDR aktuell" at 9.45 pm starts on June 6th. In: NDR.de, May 26, 2011, < https://www.ndr.de/der_ndr/presse/mitteilungen/pressemeldungndr8321.html >, accessed on September 5, 2016.
  2. ^ NDR: N3 Aktuell ( Memento from February 22, 1997 in the Internet Archive )
  3. ^ NDR: NDR Aktuell ( Memento from August 5, 2002 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Melanie Melzer: NDR starts news program "NDR aktuell". "Overview of what is happening in the whole of the north". In: Kress.de. The media service, May 26, 2011, < http://kress.de/tagesdienst/detail/beitrag/110267-ueberblick-ueber-das-geschehen-im-ganzen-norden-ndr-startet-nachrichtensendung-ndr-aktuell.html >, accessed June 5, 2015.
  5. NDR: NDR Info becomes the new umbrella brand for news
  6. a b Iris Bents: "NDR // Aktuell" now always at a quarter to. In: NDR.de, September 2, 2016, < https://www.ndr.de/der_ndr/presse/mitteilungen/NDRAktuell-jetzt-immer-um-Viertel-vor,pressemeldungndr17568.html >, accessed on September 5 2016.
  7. NDR current. In: intern.ard.de, o. D., < Http://www.ard.de/home/intern/ffekten/abc-der-ard/NDR_aktuell/482842/index.html >, accessed on June 5 2015.