Night shifts

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Original title Night shifts
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 2010
length 97 minutes
Director Ivette Löcker
script Ivette Löcker
production Mischief Films , Ralph Wieser , David Bohun (production management)
camera Frank Amann
cut Michael Palm

Nachtschichten is an Austrian documentary film by the director Ivette Löcker . The film is a Berlin film, but not a symphony of the big city, but a film noir . Although helicopters circled over the city with thermal imaging cameras, sprayers still find shelter at night and leave their signature behind. DJ Mieko Suzuki is right when she claims that the night is more colorful than the day. Homeless people are cared for, an insomniac plays basketball, ducks are fed, wild boars are chased away. Ivette Löcker weaves a fragile web between the natural city owls, sometimes shimmering, sometimes timelessly melancholy.


In the freezing winter cold, a security guard feeds a duck that has lost its way on the industrial site during her nightly inspection round. A homeless person is looking for a dry place to sleep in the driving snow that will give him protection. A night wanderer flees his restlessness into the moonlit night and finds solace in the beauty of the nocturnal city.

The film shows people in Berlin who remain invisible during the day and have chosen the night for their existence. The idea was to accompany her on her way through the night in order to fathom the motives for her shifted rhythm of life and to make the shape and order of today's big city night tangible. Some work and live voluntarily at night, others are forced to do so by fate; still others use the darkness to operate in secret, some find a new home in it.

Löcker's intention was to filmically explore the tension between a pragmatic routine with which the night is spent or organized and the existential longings and fears that seem inevitably aroused. In longer observations and conversations with people, we discover the tensions and ambivalences, but also the promising freedom that their way of life opens up. The moments in which desolation, fear and despair or the struggle against them are felt show how fragile the nocturnal open spaces are.


  • Duisburg Film Week 2010, Germany
  • Biarritz FipaTel Market 2010, France
  • DIAGONALE, Festival of Austrian Film, 2011, Austria
  • Wisconsin Film Festival 2011, USA
  • Attention Berlin 2011, Germany
  • 5 Seen Festival, 2011, Germany
  • Film Festival Insko, 2011, Poland
  • Doc Lisboa, 2011, Portugal
  • Anthology Film Archives, New York


  • Diagonal Prize for the best documentary

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Individual evidence